![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
standards and control procedures should be as set forth
d. To meet these requirements, small arms
in implementing military service/agency regulations.
storage areas must be planned to accommodate large,
Depending on local conditions and experience, these
medium, and small lots of material with minimum
protective measures should include vault types or caged
and/or fenced and locked security areas, assignment of
e. Retrograde
responsibility for control of pilferable/sensitive items to
specific individuals, restricting access to pilferable/
processing action prior to storage or disposition will be
sensitive item storage areas, and procedures to control
controlled, secured, and given surveillance to the same
movement of these items within the storage installation.
degree as provided issuable small arms.
(2) Pilferable/sensitive
f. Small arms will be stored in vault-type or highly
ordinarily be stored in the same area with classified
secured storage areas in accordance with DOD and
However, when instances require
military service/agency directives addressed to this
pilferable/sensitive and classified items be stored
together, the entire storage area will be classified, and
controls applied, equivalent to the highest security
Receiving (classified material, pilferable/
classification of any item therein.
sensitive items, small arms, etc.).
(3) Pilferable items ordinarily will not be
a. Classified material.
stored in warehouses where security protection is
(1) All duties involving handling or access to
Circumstances, however, may result in
unpacked or unpackaged classified material and the
pilferable items requiring general purpose storage
applicable classified documents or correspondence
environment (i.e., items in large banded containers for
pertaining thereto, will be accomplished only by properly
which secure storage space is temporarily not
cleared individuals. All receipts will be subjected to a
available). When this situation presents itself, general
100 percent verification of quantity.
purpose storage environment is permitted; however,
(2) In cases where classified shipments are
when such containers are open for partial issues, the
received with violations of security requirements, the
residual quantities will be transferred to a specified
installation security officer will be notified immediately.
secured area.
The shipment in question should not be left unattended
(4) Sensitive items classified as "controlled
until properly documented and securely stored.
substances" in the Drug Act of 1970 must be stored in
b. Pilferable/sensitive items (to include controlled
an approved vault or safe with a three-tumbler
combination unless a U.S. Department of Justice, Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA) Regional Office has
(1) Receipts of pilferable or sensitive items
approved another type of secure facility. Retrograde-
will be provided controls to assure proper handling,
controlled substances must be approved for disposal by
recording, and storing. Receipt inspection procedures
the DEA Regional Office before such disposal actions
for pilferable/sensitive items will include determination
can be taken. Disposal actions must be observed and
of any evidence of tampering and the material placed
attested to by responsible personnel.
under control as expeditiously as possible. If pilferage
or loss (shortage) in shipments is suspected, immediate
coordination between the transportation and security
3-60. Storage of Small Arms.
office will be effected.
a. Small arms will be stored apart from other
(2) Whenever possible, the unloading will be
pilferable and sensitive items for the purpose of
accomplished at the storage location site or, as deemed
maintaining strict physical security and limiting access to
necessary, an authorized person from the receiving area
specifically authorized personnel.
will accompany the material to the storage area and
b. When available facilities do not permit
obtain a warehouseman's signature upon release.
geographic separation of small arms into separate
(3) Where pilferable or sensitive material
buildings, then, storage is permitted in buildings where
moves to a storage area over a mechanical handling
other pilferable or sensitive items are stored. When this
system such as a power and free conveyor or a towline
occurs, small arms will be separated from these items
conveyor system, special locked (padlocked) containers
by a locked security cage, fencing, or other acceptable
will be used. This also applies to material moving from
the storage to shipping area.
c. Storage layouts for small arms should be
designed to facilitate receipts, issues, inventory counts,
and serial number verifications.
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