![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
(a) Reduced ventilation multiplies the
(3) It is advocated practice to seal as many
access doors as practicable in conversion to CH space.
hazard of using gasoline engine-powered equipment,
The sealing of cargo doors should be so designed that
because of the increased concentration of exhaust
doors can be opened for use as peak work situations of
major significance and duration warrant. It is also
(b) When utilizing gasoline engine-
advisable to design sealing techniques in a manner that
driven equipment in CH warehouses, any concentration
will allow doors to remain in "hung" position. Closure
of carbon monoxide gas which exceeds 50 parts of
should not involve bricking up of doorways of removal of
carbon monoxide per 1,000,000 parts of air must be
f. In certain geographic areas, there may be
(c) An engine with a "rich" mixture
periods when the RH of outside air will fall below 50
produces far more carbon monoxide than one with a
percent. Under such conditions, cargo doors may be
"lean" mixture and the output of carbon monoxide is
opened without securing the inside area from outside
much greater when the engine is cold.
moisture penetration. This allowance of "free" air
(d) Gasoline engines in CH storage
circulation must be predicated on day-today
should be turned off when not in service, and should
atmospheric conditions and not "time of year"
never be allowed to idle in standby service.
(3) Propane-or clean burning diesel-powered
g. The use of battery-powered equipment in CH
MHE are preferred, (when available), in order to
maintain acceptable carbon monoxide levels within CH
recommended in very active areas.
(1) Availability can be an important factor in
h. The installation safety officer, upon request, will
equipment selection for handling supplies in CH storage.
perform or obtain qualified personnel to perform tests
(2) Where battery-powered equipment cannot
and make determination as to the extent of hazard
be or is impracticable to obtain or use in CH Storage,
caused by equipment engine exhaust and when
gasoline engine-powered equipment can be used with
deliberate ventilation must be introduced to prevent
certain precautions. In use of such equipment, certain
undesirable concentrations.
factors must be considered.
Section VIII. Security of Materials in Storage
3-55. Purpose.
d. Small arms.
Handguns; shoulder-fired
This section establishes the minimum security
weapons; light automatic weapons up to and including
requirements for the storage and handling of classified,
.50 caliber machine guns; recoilless rifles up to and
pilferable, and sensitive material. It also addresses the
including 106mm; mortars up to and including 81mm;
requirements for serial number control and reporting of
rocket launchers manportable; grenade launchers, rifle
small arms under the DOD Small Arms Serialization
and shoulder fired; and individually operated weapons
Program (SASP).
which are portable and/ or can be fired without special
mounts or firing devices and which have potential use in
3-56. Definitions.
civil disturbances and are vulnerable to theft.
a. Classified material. Material which requires
protection in the interest of national security.
3-57. General.
a. Protection of property.
b. Pilferable material. Material having a ready
resale value or civilian application as to personal
(1) The protection of property, including the
possession and, therefore, is especially subject to theft
prevention of internal pilferage or major thefts of
(e.g., watches, certain tools, and clothing).
Government supplies and equipment, is one of the
functions in warehousing. This function must include
c. Sensitive items. Material which requires a high
the protection of supplies and equipment in storage
degree of protection and control due to statutory
areas and while they are in transit.
requirements or regulations such as narcotics and drug
abuse items; precious metals; items which are of high
(2) Military installations throughout the
value, highly technical, or of a hazardous nature; and
world would lose millions of dollars worth of property
small arms, ammunition, explosives, and demolition
each year if subjected to uncontrolled pilferage or theft.
However, the risks incurred cannot be measured in
terms of dollars alone. Loss of critical
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