![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
10,000-pound minimum (subject to specific exemption
d. The shipping operation involves different
by the individual services) is observed. A route order
organizational elements. This section does not imply
will specify the mode of transportation and routing. If a
that functions mentioned will be performed by a
domestic shipment is involved, the route order will be
particular element within the installation.
valid for timeframe as designated in the Defense Traffic
e. The provisions of this section do not apply to
Management Regulation (AR 55-355, NAVSUPINST
shipments of ammunition and other dangerous articles.
4600.70; AFM 75-2, MCO P4600.14A, DSAR 4500.3); if
Directions for the preparation and shipment of such
an overseas shipment is involved, the order will specify
items are contained in directives issued by the military
a date for arrival at port.
services. TM 38-410/DLAM 4145.11/ NAVSUP PUB
c. It is the responsibility of the storage office to
573/AFR 69-19/MCO 4450.12, Storage and Handling of
furnish the transportation office with all necessary
Hazardous Materials, may be referred to for the
information for obtaining routings.
procedures in the preparation and shipment of
hazardous materials.
3-12. Documentation.
3-10. Shipment Planning.
a. Efficient handling of supplies being readied for
shipment requires the preparation of documentation in
a. Planning for shipping operations actually begins
time to accompany the shipment. The system for
long before receipt of a document authorizing issue.
control of outbound shipments varies with the services
The receipt, location, and storage of supplies should be
and, therefore, is not covered in detail here.
planned in a manner to expedite and simplify
subsequent stock selection and preparation for
b. An overriding factor, regardless of shipping
service, is the fact that all shipments must be properly
documented to eliminate delay, damage, or loss.
b. Planning for a specific supply movement begins
Unless properly documented, there can be delays in
upon receipt of information regarding items to be
loading; turnaround time of equipment; time to reach
shipped to a particular destination. Proper consideration
destination; or material loss due to misdirected
of the factors will determine when and where to spot
carrier equipment, when and where to use special
equipment, and the most efficient way to assemble the
material for shipment.
3-13. Shipment Preparation.
(1) Quantity, weight, and cube of material to
be shipped.
a. Whenever a shipment is to be made, the
(2) Requirements for security, packing,
supplies should immediately be properly packed,
shipment marking, intra-installation material movement,
documented, marked, inspected, and assembled in a
personnel, and MHE.
convenient area so that no time will be lost in carrier
loading. Carrier equipment must be ordered by the
(3) Mode(s) of transport to consignee.
transportation officer of the activity.
(4) Date
b. Generally, supplies are moved to an assembly
area or shipped direct from the storage area. The latter
method permits expeditious loading with elimination of
3-11. Freight Planning.
the in-between step of consolidation at a preassigned
a. Freight planning is the process of determining
c. Supplies requiring preservation, packing,
the number of transportation units (truckload, carload,
marking, or other processing should be moved to and
and container) needed to move a given shipment. This
from these functional areas via mechanized transport
is accomplished by determining the weight and, if
facilities when possible. Mechanized transport includes
possible, the cube of the line items shown on the
use of powered conveyors, intra-installation transport
shipping documents and ascertaining the mode of
facilities designed especially for this task, and
transportation. Transportation equipment of adequate
electronically controlled tractor-trailer tucks. The key is
capacities should then be obtained. Supplies and
minimal or zero manual handling, crosshauling, and
material should be assembled and shipped in intermodal
containers or carload or truckload lots whenever
conveyances should be radio-controlled and operate on
practicable, in order to reduce the transit costs and
appropriate schedules to prevent backlog and
conserve transportation equipment.
bottlenecks at material transfer points.
b. All shipments, regardless of weight, should be
d. After the load has been prepared for shipment
referred to the transportation officer at the originating
(or before, if possible), the transportation office
installation. While route orders may be required and
obtained on all shipments, generally a
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