![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
should be requested to order equipment from the
being held at a single loading point. Effective spotting
carrier. The request should include precise information
will ensure loading within the prescribed free time limits
for spotting of equipment and any special requirements
and maintain a balanced operation by effective use of
such as the need for double door freight cars,
MHE and personnel.
refrigerated trucks, etc.
e. When supplies must come from different
warehouses or storage locations, the carrier equipment
may be spotted accordingly, rather than
Section IX of this chapter provides procedures and
techniques for loading carriers.
Section III. Stock Location
3-15. General.
Space Management.
Planographs for ammunition
Stock location systems must pinpoint an exact storage
igloos will be developed as prescribed by the
location in a simple, easily understood manner. This is
responsible military service. The warehouse planograph
necessary to minimize training requirements, to assist in
will be located in a prominent or focal point of activity in
timely and accurate storage or selection of stock, and to
each warehouse, shed, or other storage area of
provide a base for optimum utilization of storage space.
comparable size. It should be mounted on a wood back
This section prescribes the basic requirements of a
and covered with a clear, acetate overlay. Space
location system.
vacancy information may be incorporated on this
overlay by use of a grease pencil which will enable easy
revision, as required. Maintenance of planographs is at
the discretion of each DOD Component.
a. Each military service/agency will establish a
b. Perimeter lines. The lines drawn around the
uniform stock location system to be used by subordinate
outer side of any space subdivision on a planograph are
supply and storage activities.
These systems will
called perimeter lines. The term describes the outer
provide a centralized stock locator file to the maximum
boundary of any storage area.
extent practicable. Stock location systems will make
optimum use of mechanized processing equipment,
(1) The area shown on general purpose
communications systems, and automatic data
warehouse planographs for bulk storage will be divided
processing (ADP) equipment.
Ammunition stock
into equal 52-inch segments in width and length
locations systems, including planographs, storage site
These segments will be subsequently
data records, identifications, locator inventory records,
referred to as "grids." This concept is based on use of
and procedures will be established as prescribed by the
the general purpose pallet, 40 inches long and 48 inches
responsible military services commands.
wide plus 4 inches for material overhang and handling
b. Planning for storage locations for classified,
space. These grids are used to denote locations and the
sensitive, and/or pilferable items will include
position of pallets along working aisles. The depth of
coordination with the Security Officer/Provost Marshal to
pallet storage can be shown on the planograph by
ensure that the security guidance provided in section
VIII of this chapter is implemented.
along any side of the storage area is not equally
divisible by 52 inches, the marginal difference should be
Design of a Stock Location System.
prorated to increase each grid proportionately.
(2) The details of drawing perimeter and
a. Planograph. A planograph is a' drawing of the
intersecting lines on the planograph for large and
actual layout of a storage structure or outside storage
Large and medium lot terms are explained in the
area. The planograph portrays the manner in which the
gross space within the storage structure or outside
storage area is subdivided. These subdivisions can be
(3) The use of perimeter and intersecting
for such functions or uses as storage areas, shipping
lines in establishing grid patterns for small lot bulk
and receiving areas, main aisles, working aisles, locker
storage is shown in figure 3-6. The term "small lot" is
or restrooms, and offices. The chief of the storage
explained in the Glossary.
activity is responsible for the preparation and use of
(4) For storage areas with bin, shelving, and
Planograph layouts are subject to
pallet rack storage aids, the dimensions of the storage
approval of the individual designated by the pertinent
aids will govern the planograph grid lay-out.
commodity and capacity factors established in chapter
2, Storage
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