![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Receipt Documents.
(e.g., subsistence, batteries, film, etc.) requires date
a. Control. The control of receipt documents is
marking(s) as specified in MIL-STD-129 to aid in FIFO
basic to effective receiving operations. It is essential
issue. Any markings on containers not applicable to the
that controls provide appropriate measures to avoid
present material will be obliterated.
confusion in document handling and also provide timely
c. Small items of retail stock may be identified by
status information. Such controls can be established
marking the bin or shelf where the item is stored.
through the use of document registers, a file of
However, one item in each bin or shelf may be marked
document suspense copies, or by use of microfilming
as a sample to assure positive identification of stock
techniques. Manual or computer methods may be used
therein. The sample unit should not be issued except
to develop and maintain the control system. A daily
when quantity of items has been depleted to a point
review of file makeup will be made to assess delays in
where issue is required.
the processing of receipts. The control system may be
expanded to serve as a proof of storage tool or as a
Moving Supplies to Storage.
base for quality control samples on receipt actions. The
specific type and extent of control will be determined by
a. Movement of supplies to storage is a
the appropriate service or agency.
continuation of the unloading and receipt processing
b. Processing. The flow of documents in the
actions. The material movement should be made by the
receipt processing cycle will vary, depending on the type
most expeditious and economical means available.
of receipt and the location of activities involved in the
Matters for consideration include the selection of
receipt actions.
equipment to be used, the type of supplies to be moved,
Copies of the document or information extracted
and the distance of the storage area from the carrier or
from the documents are used for inquiries to the locator
receiving area. Where conveyor or in-floor tow systems
file and for updating the various accounting records
are not available, a forklift truck is generally used for
associated with material receipts.
short distance movements (less than 400 ft each way); a
tractor-trailer train (possibly electronically guided) or
Marking of Material for Storage.
straddle trucks for larger distances (over 400 ft); or
automotive equipment for certain conditions such as
difficult terrain or excessive weight of material. The
a. Material properly marked prior to movement to
latter equipment may be radio controlled intra-
storage will result in more accurate stock accounting,
installation transport vehicle. See section C of this
more accurate issues, and easier inventory actions. The
chapter for location control of material movement.
procurement of bar coded material can also aid
inventory accuracy.
b. Repacking operations should be integrated with
overall movement actions to reduce handling. In other
b. All material or its container (excluding small
words, the material should be routed through the
items of retail stock) must be marked in accordance with
appropriate processing actions prior to final storage.
MILSTD-129, Marking for Shipment and Storage.
Material which deteriorates in storage
Section II. Shipping
b. The term "shipping" in its broad application
a. This section provides guidelines in shipping
covers many functions and tasks. When "shipping" is
operations as they pertain to storage functions.
related to wholesale storage operation, it encompasses
Primarily, the guidelines deal with selection and
the actions necessary to delivery material to the carrier
movement of material through the supply operations
for movement to a consignee.
Its effectiveness
and subsequent delivery to the transportation officer for
depends upon accurate recording of receipts, proper
outloading. Specific shipping instructions are found in
storage, and correct marking of material.
DOD 4500.32-R (Military Standard Transportation and
c. The application of the principles of efficient
Movement Procedures (MILSTAMP)). In addition to the
shipping practices can alleviate unnecessary strain on
provisions of this section, the procedures and controls,
transport facilities and provide more efficient and
prescribed in Section VIII of this chapter, will be applied
economical handling and movement of DOD cargo.
to shipments of classified, pilferable, and sensitive
items, including small arms.
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