![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
SF. Enter under columns C through M that portion of
improved open storage, report only cubic space actually
occupied, by multiplying occupied SF by a
the vacant SF which is obligated to known future
representative (sample) stacking height.
requirements within the next 12 months. Vacant SF is
Line 22, Total ACF (lines
the difference between total NSF (line 14) and total SF
occupied (line 23). If the obligated vacant SF for a
19 plus 20 plus 21). No entry is required since the
column is equal to or greater than 25 percent of the
program will compute total ACF and will enter this total
vacant SF for that column, list in "Remarks" the specific
under columns B through N. Total ACF is equal to the
quantities and programs to which all space reported on
sum of ACF in bin area (line 19), rack area (line 20), and
this line is obligated.
bulk area (line 21).
Line 29, Obligated Vacant
3 Section C-Occupied Storage
CF. Enter under columns C through M that portion of
Space. All data reported in section C will be in
the vacant CF which is obligated to known future
thousands of SF or thousands of CF as appropriate for
requirements within the next 12 months. Vacant CF is
the specific line.
the difference between total ACF (line 22) and total CF
occupied (line 27). If the obligated vacant CF for any
Occupied. Enter under columns C through N the total
column is equal to or greater than 25 percent of the
amount of NSF which is actually occupied by material in
vacant CF for that column, list in "Remarks" the specific
the designated areas for bin storage (line 11), rack
quantities and programs to which all space reported on
storage (line 12), and bulk storage (line 13). The NSF in
this line is obligated.
bin and rack storage areas is considered occupied
4 Section D-Remarks.
whether or not material is stored therein.
following types of remarks will be submitted when
Line 24, Occupied CF in
Bin Area. Enter under columns C through J the CF in
bin areas which is occupied by material or assigned to
Installations reporting for the first time will cite the date
an item as an active location. Surveys of occupied CF
of activation of the installation, its primary function, and
in bin areas can be accomplished through visual count
a brief description of the types of material to be stored.
of openings multiplied by the average CF of the
Final Report. A remark
Manual or automated locator files or
will be provided which indicates that the current report
statistical sampling can be used. See paragraph 2-13h
submission is the last that will be made by that
above for additional information on statistical sampling.
installation. The reason for report termination will be
Line 25, Occupied CF in
Rack Area. Enter under columns C through J the CF of
rack areas which are occupied by material or assigned
installation or activity scheduled for inactivation will cite
to a specific item as an active location. Surveys of
the proposed date. When known, the actual effective
occupied CF in rack areas can be accomplished in the
date and authority will be shown. When an installation
manner described for bin areas above. See paragraph
or activity is to be completely closed out, the last report
submitted will be marked "Final Report." If an
installation is completely closed out between reporting
Line 26, Occupied CF in
periods and the last report submitted was not marked
Bulk Area. Enter under columns C through N the CF of
"Final Report," a special report marked "Final Report"
bulk areas which are occupied by material. The bulk
will be submitted prior to the next scheduled reporting
area occupied CF is computed by multiplying the bulk
date to reflect any changes.
area occupied SF by the average height to which
Parent Installation.
material is actually stacked. The average bulk stacking
annex or subinstallation (geographically separated) will
height will be determined by random sampling of bulk
identify the parent installation.
For additional information on statistical
Significant Data Changes.
sampling, see paragraph 2-13h above.
An explanation must be provided when changes in total
Line 27, TCF Occupied
covered or improved open storage from one report
(lines 24 plus 25 plus 26). No entry is required since the
period to the next exceed 40,000 SF.
program will compute the TCF occupied and will enter
Total SF
Less Than
this total under columns B through N. TCF occupied is
1,000,000. Changes that cause total SF for this period
equal to the sum of CF occupied in bin area (line 24),
(line 2) to fall below 1,000,000 will be reported.
rack area (line 25), and bulk area (line 26).
Line 28, Obligated Vacant
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