![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
of 10 feet; however, where local conditions and actual
Line 14, Total NSF (lines
commodity characteristics dictate a specific stacking
11 plus 12 plus 13). No entry is required since the
height, the latter will apply.
In unimproved open
program will compute the total NSF and will enter this
storage, report only cubic space actually occupied by
total under columns B though N. Total NSF is equal to
multiplying NSF occupied by a representative (sample)
the sum of NSF in bin area (line 11), rack area (line 12),
stacking height.
and bulk area (line 13).
Line 18, Total TCF (lines
Line 15, TCF is Bin Area.
15 plus 16 plus 17). No entry is required since the
Enter under columns C through J the total CF (TCF), in
program will compute total TCF and will enter this total
storage areas occupied by erected bin storage aids.
under columns B through N. Total TCF is equal to the
The TCF in the bin area is computed by multiplying the
sum of TCF in bin area (line 15), rack area (line 16), and
bin area NSF (line 11) by the unobstructed stacking
bulk area (line 17).
height. The unobstructed stacking height is defined as
Line 19, ACF in Enter
the distance between the floor and the lowermost point
under columns C through J the attainable CF Bin Area.
of overhead obstructions (e.g., sprinkler heads, joists,
(ACF) in storage areas occupied by erected bin storage
rafters, beams, roof trusses, lighting fixtures, duct work,
aids. The bin area ACF is computed by multiplying the
etc.) less the following safety clearances:
bin area NSF (line 11) by the height in feet from the
floor to the top of the bin storage aid or to the height
distance between floor and lowest obstruction does not
which can be reached by existing MHE, whichever is
exceed 15 feet, a safety clearance of 11/2 feet is
Line 20, ACF in Rack
Area. Enter under columns C through J the ACF of
distance between floor and lowest obstruction is greater
than 15 feet, a 3-foot safety clearance is required.
storage areas occupied by erected rack storage aids.
The rack area ACF is computed by multiplying the rack
materials are involved or when storing in areas not
area NSF (line 12) by height in feet from the floor to the
equipped with sprinklers, a safety clearance of 3 feet is
top shelf (level) of the rack plus the additional height to
which material can safely be stacked on the top shelf of
the rack. For example, if the height from the floor to the
exception. A clearance of only 14 inches is required for
top shelf is 12 feet and material can be stacked on the
reclaimed drum storage, regardless of stacking height,
top shelf to a height of 4 feet, the attainable stacking
provided that the building is of all-metal construction
height is 16 feet for that rack set. Cubic space above
and contains no electric wiring.
the racks will only be included to the extent that use of
such space is permitted by safety limitations and the
capacity of available MHE.
Line 21, ACF in Bulk
The unobstructed stacking height as defined above
Area. Enter under columns C through N the ACF in
is an indicator of only the theoretical capacity of a
storage areas designated for bulk storage. The bulk
facility. It does not allow for limitations which may
area ACF is computed by multiplying the bulk area NSF
be imposed by existing storage aids, MHE, or floor
(line 13) by the stacking height that is attainable with
load capacity; therefore, the TCF also is an indicator
available MHE and is permitted by safety restrictions
of theoretical capacity.
and floor load limitations. Cubic space beyond the
reach of available MHE lift height and floor load
Line 16, TCF in Rack
limitations will not be reported even though safety
Area. Enter under columns C through J the TCF of
limitations or permissible stacking heights have not
storage areas occupied by erected rack storage aids.
been attained. (The cubic capacities reported on line 21
The TCF in the rack area is computed by multiplying the
are limited to those attainable under present storage
rack area NSF (line 12) by the unobstructed stacking
height as defined above.
equipment.) The cubic capacity of improved open
Line 17, TCF in Bulk
storage space will generally be computed by using an
Area. Enter under columns C through N the TCF of
average stacking height of 10 feet.
Where local
storage areas designated for bulk storage. The TCF in
conditions and actual commodity characteristics dictate
the bulk area is computed by multiplying the bulk area
a specific stacking height, the latter shall apply. In un-
NSF (line 13) by the unobstructed stacking height as
defined above. The TCF of improved open storage will
generally be computed using an average stacking height
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