![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
through M the sum of SF used for aisles, lost to
available for the reporting activity's operation). This
structural features, and used for support space.
includes all space which is allocated, assigned, or used
Aisles are defined
for the storage of material other than that owned by
as the amount of SF used in storage areas for
DOD Components. For purposes of this report, material
movement of material to and from storage locations.
or supplies belonging to all other defense agencies will
Material conveyor systems are excluded.
be treated as non-DOD material.
Include space
Structural loss is
outleased to private industry on a landlord-tenant basis
defined as the amount of SF not usable for storage
for which rent is paid by the leasee. Also include space
because of construction features or physical
classified as storage space at the time it was outleased,
characteristics. Within covered storage areas, such
licensed, or permitted even though it is not currently
items as rest rooms, columns, firewalls, elevator shafts,
being used for storage purposes. When a change
ramps, stairwells, steam pits, switch panels, loading
occurs since the last reporting period, show under
wells, and door clearances will be considered as
"Remarks" the complete agency name(s); the company
structural loss. Within improved open storage areas,
or companies concerned; and the amount of gross
such additional items as firebreaks, stream beds,
space (covered and open, separately) used by, assigned
railroad tracks, and clearances maintained for utility
to, or allocated to each.
lines will be considered as structural loss.
Line 6, Outgranted SF
Support space is
(DOD). Enter under columns C through N the amount of
defined as the amount of SF used in support of storage
gross storage space which is licensed or permitted to
operations. Support space includes all space used for
another DOD Component for its operation (e.g., storage
preservation and packaging, assembly, packing and
space identified under support agreement(s) and not
crating, container manufacturing, receiving, inspection
available for the reporting activity's operation). Include
and identification, shipping, material conveyor systems,
space classified as storage space at the time it was
supervisory/administrative stolage offices located in
licensed or permitted even though it is not currently
warehouses or other facilities used for storage
being used for storage purposes. When a change
operations (does not include general administrative
occurs since the last reporting period, show under
offices), employees' rest areas, locker rooms, tool
"Remarks" the Component name and the amount of
rooms, time clock areas, mechanical equipment rooms
gross space (covered and open, separately) licensed or
in refrigerated and controlled humidity warehouses,
permitted to each.
battery charging stations located in warehouses, and
similar support functions. Support space also includes
Outgranted (lines 5 plus 6). No entry is required since
civil engineering (public works) functions that are in
the program will compute the total SF outgranted and
support of storage operations and are located in
will enter this total under columns B through N. Total
warehouses or other facilities used for storage
SF outgranted is equal to the sum of outgranted (non-
operations. Work aisles that are contiguous to these
DOD) (line 5) and outgranted (DOD) (line 6).
support areas are classified as parts of such support
Line 8, Ingranted SF.
Enter under columns C through N the amount of gross
2 Section B-Net Space Available.
storage space operated which is ingranted by lease,
All data reported in section B are in thousands of SF or
license, or permit from one of the DOD Components.
thousands of CF as appropriate for the specific line.
Those activities having only ingranted DOD space of
1,000,000 or more GSF of covered space will begin
Line 11, NSF in Bin Area.
their reports on this line. Lines 1 through 6 are not
Enter under columns C through J the net SF (NSF) of
space occupied by erected bins.
The NSF is
Line 9, Total Available
determined based on the outside dimensions, length
(line 2 plus 8 less lines 3, 4, and 7). No entry is required
times width, of the bin storage aids.
since the program will compute total available SF and
Line 12, NSF in Rack
will enter this total under columns B though N. Total
Area. Enter under columns C through J the NSF of
available is equal to the sum of total SF this period (line
space occupied by erected racks.
The NSF is
2) and ingranted DOD space (line 8) less the sum of
determined based on the outside dimensions, length
unusable SF (line 3), SF in standby (line 4), and total SF
times width, of the rack storage aids.
outgranted (line 7).
Line 13, NSF in Bulk
Line 10, Aisles, Structural
Area. Enter under columns C through N the NSF of
Loss, and Support Space (SF). Enter under columns C
storage space designated for bulk storage.
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