![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
1 Multiplatform pallet racks are
racks at installations not so equipped is a highly
illustrated in figure 2-38. The conversion to metal pallet
desirable goal if maximum space utilization and most
effective use of resources are to be achieved.
Figure 2-38. Metal Pallet Rack for Storage of Small Lot Items (Boltless Adjustable Type)
small, and an upright column has been eliminated, the
2 Racks for military use have
cost per pallet stored is smaller in a double opening rack
been standardized for use with either one (single
than in a single opening rack.
opening) or two (double opening) 40- by 48-inch pallet
loads of material per level. Single opening racks have
3 Cantilever
platforms approximately 54 inches wide and hold one
excellent storage aids for long, narrow items (see sec III,
40- by 48-inch pallet per level. Cost per pallet opening
is higher in a single opening rack and this should be
c. Open storage layout criteria.
The efficient
used only when space limitations preclude use of the
utilization of open storage space can be accomplished
double opening. Double opening racks have platforms
by proper planning and space layout. There are many
approximately 108 inches wide and hold two 40- by 48-
types of open storage space and to utilize each in the
inch pallets per level. Since the difference in cost
most effective manner requires
between a 54- and a 108-inch platform is relatively
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