![]() NAVAIR 17-15-50.3
TM 38-301-3
T.O. 33-1-37-3
CGTO 33-1-37-3
MH-60A/UH-60L/MH-60L/MH-60K (U.S. ARMY ONLY) (Cont.)
Damage to equipment will occur if foreign objects enter gearbox. Foreign objects may
enter gearbox when tail rotor servo is removed. Ensure that no foreign objects enter the
gearbox during performance of this task.
Remove tail rotor servo.
Inspect inside of tail rotor gearbox, especially the inside diameter of the input bevel pinion, for buildup of
sludge and debris accumulation. Remove sludge/debris using a clean dry cloth. Insure no debris is left inside the
g. Flush gearbox with clean lube oil. Repeat using clean oil until oil drained from gearbox is clean with no
trace or debris. Insure oil stream is directed against entire inside of gearbox to insure all debris is flushed from the
Install chip detector self-closing valve, chip detector, and electrical connector.
Install tail rotor servo.
Fill gearbox with proper amount of oil.
Reinstall filler cap.
Make sure area is clean and free of foreign material.
The following requirements are for oil sampling of the tail rotor gearbox used on Army H-60 Black Hawk
1. Water content shall be checked on every sample. Maximum water concentration is 1000 ppm.
2. The primary serviceability criteria for this component is the presence of chips sufficient to cause a chip light
indication. Oil analysis shall be used primarily to trend increases in Fe levels, and to ensure that the lubricant
condition is acceptable, and that the lubricant is free of harmful contamination.
3. Spectrometric criteria are given in TM 38-301 except as follows. A spectrometric analysis shall be conducted
on all samples. Results shall be interpreted as follows:
a. Fe - If the iron concentration is greater than 46 ppm, or if an increase of more than 18 ppm occurs
between any two consecutive samples, a ferrographic or microscopic analysis must be preformed. The results of
the ferrographic or microscopic analysis must support the spectrometric analysis findings before a
recommendation for removal is issued.
b. Mg - If the magnesium concentration exceeds 50 ppm, have the unit replace the lubricant, and inspect
the gearbox for signs of corrosion, especially at the interface between the center housing and the servo. Continue
to monitor the magnesium level. If magnesium continues to increase, have the unit drain and flush the component
at the next PMS-2 phase inspection. More frequent lubricant change is not required. Removal of the gearbox shall
be based upon the results of the gearbox corrosion inspection.
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