![]() NAVAIR 17-15-50.3
TM 38-301-3
T.O. 33-1-37-3
CGTO 33-1-37-3
MH-60A/UH-60L/MH-60L/MH-60K (U.S. ARMY ONLY) (Cont.)
c. Si - If silicon concentrations exceed 100 ppm, have the unit replace the lubricant. If silicon continues to
increase, have the unit drain and flush the component at the next PMS-2 phase inspection. More frequent
lubricant change is not required.
d. Cr - Do not track chromium. Chromium is used as a plating on seal wear sleeves and the pitch change
shaft. Other inspections are in place to maintain these items.
e. Al, Ni, Sn, Pb, Ag, Na, B, Mo, Zn - Do not track these elements. Do not recommend maintenance based
on concentrations of these elements.
4. MIL-L-23699E C/I (Corrosion Inhibiting) oil exhibits a detergent action when added to or used in place of
MIL-L-23699D oil in tail rotor gearboxes. This could cause false high Fe concentration levels in spectrometric
analysis results. Request AOAP laboratories use the following procedure to determine if Fe concentration levels
flagged during spectrometric analysis results were the result of detergency action:
Perform a spectrometric analysis of the oil sample.
Record the Fe concentration (ppm level).
Filter the sample through a millipore (0.45 micron) filter.
Rerun the spectrometric analysis using the filtered sample.
e. If there is no debris present in the filter and the level of Fe in the second spectrometric analysis remains
at approximately the same level as the first sample, then the Fe in the sample is in the form of soluble iron. If
there is a difference, then the difference should be used when evaluating the engine IAW TM 38-301-3 guidelines.
However, if nonmagnetic wear particles are present, perform the test in paragraph f.
Ferrographic analysis will be performed using the Direct Reading (DR) ferrograph to record the small to
large particle wear particle readings. If they are within prescribed ratio limits, then a ferrogram will not be required.
If they exceed the prescribed DR limits, then a ferrogram will be performed to validate the abnormal internal wear.
Maintenance recommendation will then be made in accordance with component guidelines.
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