![]() TM 9-258
usually carries a diopter scale to permit presetting of the
graduated arc, used in range adjustment. It measures
the angle of elevation of the gun.
instrument (fig 4-38).
Halving line - The line which divides the two half
Focusing sleeve - A knurled sleeve which is rotated
images in a coincidence type range finder. The two
to shift the positions of the erectors with relation to the
halves of the images produced by the two objectives of
objective and eyepiece to focus the instrument or to
the instrument must be brought to a point where they
change its magnification.
Foot-candles - A unit of measurement of the intensity
match or coincide above and below the halving line.
Hard coat - The term applied to the coating of
of illumination. A foot-candle is the amount of light
magnesium fluoride on coated optics to differentiate
intensity received on a surface 1 foot away from a light
between other softer coatings which are less durable.
source of one candle power, such as a standard candle
Height of image adjuster - A glass plate with plane
of sperm whale oil, 7/8 inch in diameter, burning at the
surfaces which is tipped one way or the other in the line
rate of 120 grains per hour.
Fovea or fovea - centralis A tiny area of cones in the
of sight in one of the internal telescopes of a range
finder. It deviates the light slightly upward or downward
center of the macula or the yellow spot of the retina of
to adjust the image of one eyepiece to the same height
the eye. It is the area of the eye responsible for the
as the image visible in the other eyepiece.
clearest vision. It is about 0.25 millimeter in diameter,
Heterophoria or muscular imbalance - Any
and contains cones only.
Freedom from defects - Optical glass which is
disturbance of the power, strength, or nervous system of
the eye muscles which does not permit both eyes to
homogeneous and free from bubbles or striae (localized
function together in a normal way. It may occur in any of
variations in the index of refraction).
Freedom from distortion - An image that is a true
a number of different forms such as esophoria in which
the lines of sight tend to turn inwardly, esophoria in which
reproduction of the object.
they tend to turn outwardly, and hyperphoria in which the
Frequency - In light or other wave motion, the
line of sight of one eye tends to be above that of the
number of crests of waves that pass a fixed point in a
given unit of time, usually 1 second.
Homogeneity - Being uniform throughout.
Front surface mirror - An optical mirror on which the
Homogeneous - Uniform throughout; composed of
reflecting coating is applied to the front surface of the
similar parts.
mirror insead of to the back.
Horizontal travel - Rotation of an instrument (or the
Fuse - In stereoscopic vision, the action of seeing as
line of sight of an optical instrument) in a horizontal
one image the images seen by the two eyes.
plane; traverse; movement in azimuth.
Fusion - The mental blending of the right and left eye
Hypermetropia - An eye defect in which the image
images into a single, clear image by stereoscopic action.
tends to be focused beyond the retina with the result that
Galilean telescope - One of the first telescope
the image is blurred and indistinct, farsightedness. It is
models, utilizing a positive objective lens and diverging
caused by the refracting surfaces of the eye being too
eyelens (figs 5-13 and 5-14).
slightly curved, by the eye being of insufficient depth, or
Gauss - objective See dialyte.
by the decline in the power of accommodation in viewing
Gear train - Two or more gears meshed together so
nearby objects. It is corrected by a converging lens (fig
that rotation of one causes rotation of the others.
Geometrical center - As applied to lenses, the
Hyperopia - See hypermetropia.
physical center of the lens as determined by
Hyperphoria - A condition of the eyes in which the
measurement; sometimes referred to as the mechanical
line of sight of one eye tends to be above that of the
center to distinguish it from the optical center.
Ghost image - A hazy second image caused by
Hyperphoric displacement - Action of the eyes necessary
reflection sometimes seen in observing through a
to obtain fusion in observing through a stereoscopic or
binocular instrument when the image seen by one eye is
Gimbal joint - A mechanism which permits rotation
above that seen by the other eye.
around two perpendicular axes or for suspending an
Iceland splar, calcite - A mineral that has the faculty
object so that it will remain vertical or level when its
of polarizing light.
support is tipped.
Illuminated - Lighted by another source than
Grid declination - The angle between True North
and Y-North.
Grid North - See Y-North.
Gunner's quadrant - An instrument with a
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