![]() TM 9-258
The power of other lenses than those of 1-meter focal
10-1. Candlepower and Foot Candles.
length is the reciprocal of the focal length in meters and
a. The intensity of illumination on a surface
varies inversely as the focal length. This means that a
depends upon the brightness of the light source and the
converging lens with a focal length of 20 centimeters or
distance of the surface from the light source. The
1/5 meter has a power of +5 diopters, while a diverging
brightness of any light source is measured in units of
lens with a focal length of 50 centimeters or 1/2 meter
candlepower. One candlepower is the rate at which a
has a power of -2 diopters. The lens with the shortest
standard candle emits light. A standard candle was
focal length has the greatest plus or minus power in
initially a sperm whale oil candle, 7/8 inch in diameter,
which burned at the uniform rate of 120 grains per hour.
c. Prism Diopter. A prism with a power of 1 prism
Current standards of candlepower are electric lamps
diopter will deviate light by 1 centimeter at a distance of 1
which may be obtained from the Bureau of Standards.
meter from the prism.
Thus, the prism diopter
b. The amount of illumination on any surface
designation of a refracting prism is the measurement of
depends upon the distance of the surface from the light
the amount it can bend light.
source. A candle 1 foot away from a screen will shed
10-3. Degree System.
more intense light on a given area of the screen than it
would if it were 3 feet from the screen. In the latter case,
a. The degree system is a means of measuring
it would illuminate a larger area with less intensity. The
and designating angles of arcs. The degree is 1/360 part
intensity of illumination is measured in foot candles. A
of a circle or the value of the angle formed by dividing a
foot candle is the amount of light intensity received on a
right angle into 90 equal parts. Each degree is divided
surface 1 foot away from a light source of 1
into 60 parts called seconds.
b. In the use of fire-control equipment, either
c. The intensity of illumination or the quantity of
degrees or mils (para 10-4) may be used to designate
light which is received per unit surface varies inversely
angles of elevation and azimuth. One degree equals
as the square of its distance from the source.
17.78 mils. One mil equals 0.0560 or 3 minutes 22 1/2
seconds. Refer to the conversion chart (fig 10-1) for the
approximate relative values of given angles of elevation
foot candles =
and azimuth in degrees and mils.
10-4. Mil System.
a. The artillery mil system is a means of angular
d. The amount of light falling upon a surface is
measurement that lends itself to simple mental
measured in lumens. A lumen is the amount of light
It provides accuracy within the limits
falling on an area of 1 square foot at 1 foot distance from
demanded by the military forces with distinct advantages
a standard candle (a above). Therefore, total lumens
of simplicity and convenience not afforded by any other
divided by area equals foot candles of illumination.
method of angular measurement. It is based on an
10-2. Diopters.
arbitrary unit of measurement known as the mil. The mil
a. General. The lens diopter or simply diopter is
is exactly 1/6400 of a complete circle.
the unit of measure of the refractive power of a lens or
b. The mil is very nearly the angle between two
lens system. The prism diopter is the unit of measure of
lines which will enclose a distance of 1 meter at a range
the refracting power of a prism. Both are based on the
of 1,000 meters (fig 10-1). Exact computation of the
metric system of measurement.
distance enclosed at 1,000 meters by 1 mil gives the
b. Lens Diopter. A lens with a focal length of 1
result of 0.982 meters. Therefore in assuming that 1 mil
meter is internationally recognized to have the power of 1
encloses 1 meter at 1,000 meters, an error of 0.018
diopter. The power of a converging lens is positive and
meter or 1.8 cm is introduced. This error is negligible for
that of a diverging lens is negative.
all practical purposes in the use of fire-control
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