![]() TM 9-258
axes. Two lines and two spaces, located on the
reticle is coated to prevent light rays from passing
horizontal axis on both sides of the boresight cross
through the disk except at the lines of the reticle
along the horizontal axis, provide a zero elevation and
lead reference representing a field 40 mils in width. The
(5) Electrical lighting system. A 24-volt dc electrical
spaces located immediately adjacent to each 1-mil arm
of the boresight cross are 4 mils wide. Each line and
system provides illumination for the reticle and the
space located beyond the 4-mil space represents 5
range scale. A control panel on the back of the range
mils. Elevation and depression reference is provided by
finder provides controls for light intensity of the reticles
a pair of symmetrically placed broken lines of 2 mils
and scales.
below the center of the boresight cross. Each of these
e. Metric System. Since range distances are being
lines consist of a line, a space, and a line of 5 mils
each. A 1-mil space and a 2-mil line arranged above
converted to the metric system of measurement rather
and below the ends of the vertical member of the
than yards, future range finders will measure distance
boresight cross on the vertical axis provide a zero
in meters.
reference in azimuth.
(d) Auxiliary boresight (gunlaying) reticle.
includes basic general characteristics of a typical range
finder which are necessary to Army maintenance
The auxiliary boresight (gunlaying) reticle pattern (A, fig
personnel for performing their function.
reticle pattern ((4) (c) above). The reticle disk for this
Table 8-1. General Dimensions and Leading Particulars
Technical data
Length (overall) ....................................................
84 in.
Height (overall).....................................................
12 in.
Depth (overall) .....................................................
14 in.
Weight (including end housing assemblies) ........
149 lb
Base length ..........................................................
79 in.
Range ..................................................................
500 to 4,400 meters
10 power
Field of view .........................................................
Exit pupil ..............................................................
0.120 in.
Diopter scale ........................................................
4.00 diopters
convenience of operation but its simplicity, ruggedness,
8-24. Collimator Sight.
and low cost make it particularly desirable as a sighting
a. The collimator sight (fig 8-27) is an ingenious
device for mortars.
and relatively inexpensive type of sighting device. The
collimator is inferior to the telescope in effectiveness or
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