![]() TM 9-258
b. The purpose of a range finder is to find the
angle is variable, depending upon the distance of the
target from the instrument. The angle to which the 90
range of an object or target. This instrument measures
distance by triangulation.
and the variable angle converge is termed the parallactic
c. The range finder contains two optical
angle. It becomes larger as the distance to the observed
systems which permit a single observer to view the target
object becomes less. Because of the extreme shortness
from points some distance apart. This distance serves
of the base line in comparison with the range to be
as the known leg of the triangle. It is termed the base
computed, the utmost accuracy and precision are
line (fig 8-24) and is one form of designation of a range
required in the determination of the angles at the two
finder, that is, a 1-meter base instrument. One of the
ends of the base line.
two angles from which the target is observed is fixed at
Figure 8-24. Fundamental triangle of range finder.
d. In the stereoscopic range finder, by turning
method could not be used to advantage with a very
rapidly moving target.
the range knob, the target is made to appear in the same
distance plane as the central measuring mark (pip) of the
stereo reticle, when "stereoscopic contact" is
8-22. Range Finder, Tank (Typical Coincidence
e. In the coincidence range finder, the two
optical systems are focused into a single eyepiece
a. General. The range finder illustrated in
assembly. When the range knob is rotated, the left and
right fields of -view are superimposed and "coincidence"
designed for use as the principal ranging device in the
of the two images of the selected target is established.
primary sighting system of tanks, and is used for direct
f. A very simple and practical type of
fire operation. This range finder is designed to provide
stereoscopic range finder, based on still another
automatic and continuous ranging information through an
principle, consists of a binocular telescope having a
output shaft to the ballistic computer. For sighting
scale in each ocular. The two scales will fuse into a
systems that do not include a ballistic computer, range
single scale, in relief, having the appearance -f a row of
information may be read from the range scale. Accuracy
dots receding to infinity. These dots are seen alongside
of the range finder is inherently high because of its long
the scene observed and every object in the scene
base length, 79 in., and 10-power magnification. The
appears to be located in the same plane as one of the
range finder may also be used, if the gunner's periscope
Distance to rapidly moving objects can be
is out of commission, for boresighting the gun. Either the
determined approximately very quickly by this method,
left or right end of the range finder may be used for
while a slower
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