![]() TM 9-258
c. Means for making azimuth boresighting
Periscope (Infrared).
adjustment is provided by azimuth adjustment pin at the
a. The periscope illustrated in figure 8-20 is an
mounting flange of the sight. Elevation adjustment is
infrared viewing device of the binocular type used in night
provided at the connecting arm to which the sight link
driving of vehicles. Invisible infrared rays are projected
assembly connects. A rubber eyeshield, mounted over
forward from headlamps at the bow of the vehicle to
the periscope's eyepiece, serves to protect the eyelens
"illuminate" the field of view. The periscope converts the
and prevent injury to the machinegunner.
infrared image to a visible image which is viewed through
conventional eyelenses. For best vision at average
speeds the range of the periscope is focused at 18
Figure 8-20. Periscope ( Infrared) - assembled view.
b. This periscope has a magnification of 1
power, a field of view of 26.8 and a focal point of
18 to 20 yards.
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