![]() TM 9-258
b. The telescope image is erected by means of
two Porro prisms and magnified by the lenses in the
eyepiece, as shown in figure 8-4.
Figure 8-4. Observation telescope-optical elements and optical diagram.
The telescope is of 20 x power with a field of
screw is provided for elevating or depressing the forward
end of the telescope.
view of 20 12 minutes, is approximately 14 1/2 inches
d. The telescope is strapped in position in a
long, is focused by turning the knurled focusing sleeve
cradle which in turn is mounted on the corresponding
and is mounted on the tripod which supports the
tripod. The tripod folds into a compact unit and fits into a
instrument about 11 inches above the ground. With this
carrying case for ease and convenience in
tripod the telescope can be swung around to any desired
position. An elevating
mounted coaxially with the gun.
b. The optical system diagram of one type of
a. The articulated telescope is a component of
articulated telescope is illustrated in figure 8-5.
the direct free control system and is generally
Figure 8-5. Articulated telescope - optical system diagram.
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