![]() TM 9-258
b. Controlling Factor. The angular limit of
resolution can be proved to be related inversely to the
All values in this formula are in millimeters.
diamter of the lens. According to Dawes' rule (an
Although the resolving power of the human eye
approximation): a (in minutes of arc) = 1/Do (in fifths of
normally is equal to 1 minute of arc, for long
an inch, fig 5-32); thus it is advisable to have large.
continued observation this becomes 2 or 3
objectives for sharp definition.
The observation
minutes (due to fatigue). This, for continous
telescope has such an objective of large diameter. The
observation an instrument of greater power is
targot shooter uses a telescope of 1 1/4-inch diamter
needed to provide the same definition obtainable
objective or larger. The 7 x 50 (7-power, 50-millimeter
with a lower power telescope used for short
diameter) binocular provides good resolution because of
intervals. Transparent foreign material such as
the large diameter objective and for this reason is better
grease or fingerprints on a lens will impair
in daytime than a 7 x 35.
definition (resolving power). Opaque foreign
c. Normal
material on the eye-lens either may impair
magnification is that power of a telescope giving an exit
definition or blot out small portions of the field.
pupil diameter just equal to that of the eye usually
5-31. Optical Glass Used in the Design of Military
standardized at 2 millimeters (Some authorities,
however, consider the eye to provide the best resolution
a. Common Types.
Although there are
at an aperture of 4 to 5 millimeters.) For example:
numerous types of optical glass in the design of optical
D (Objective)
systems for military instruments, five types in common
Normal magnification = ----------------
use are as follows:
C (Pupil of Eye)
Index of
Critical angle
or, normal magnification = 25.4 Do over 2 to 4,
in degrees
where Do is in inches.
Boro silicate crown
Normal magnification is one of three factors limiting the
Barium crown
magnifying power obtainable with a given objective lens.
Baryta light flint
The other two factors are the resolving power of the
Ordinary flint
given lens (RP = 1/α para 5-30a) based on diffrection
Dense flint
effects, and the quality of the lens (precision of grinding
It will be noted that as the index of refraction increases,
and polishing and absence of aberrations) measurable
the critical angle decreases.
by labratory methods (fig 5-32).
b. Specific Uses. Boro silicate crown normally
d. Other Resolving Factors. The foregoing
is used for the collective lenses and dense flint for the
equations are in agreement if the entrance pupil of the
dispersive lenses in objectives, erecting lenses, and
eye is 2 millimeters. The plus 2 to 4 results in empty
eyepieces. In the Kellner eyepiece (A, fig 4-5), boro
magnification, an increase in image size of fine details so
silicate crown is used for the field lens, barium crown for
the eye can more readily see them, but without any
the collective element, and either light flint or ordinary
increase in telescopic resolving power.
For best
flint for the dispersive element of the achromatic doublet
resolution, the power of the eye piece in the system is
eyelens. Prisms, generally, are made of boro silicate
determined by the formula:
crown. For wide-angle instruments, however, baryta light
Focal Length Eyepiece = Diameter Eye
flint is used. Reticles are usually made of baryta light
Focal Length Objective
flint because it etches best and windows usually are of
Pupil X
boro silicate crown.
Diameter of Objective
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