![]() TM 9-258
Figure 5-25. Exit pupil-virtual image of objective.
b. Plane.
In figure 5-25, rays 1 and 2
originating at opposite limits of the true field (para 5-25)
cross at a common point in the objective lens and
recross back of the eyepiece in the plane of the exit
pupil. In the exit pupil plane must be the point of rotation
of the observer's eye if the observer is to see the full
c. Diameter. The diameter of the exit pupil can
be measured by pointing the telescope toward a light
source (out a window) and inserting a piece of translucent
material in the plane of the exit pupil (para 9-3). The
Figure 5-26. Ramsden dynameter.
diameter of the image then can be measured on the paper.
This diameter also can be approximated by holding the
b. Purpose of Measurement. Measurement of
telescope away from the eye and measuring across the
exit pupil and entrance pupil diameters of an instrument
eyelens the diameter of the bright disk seen through the
is useful in determining the power of an unknown, or for
eyelens or it can be measured quite accurately by using a
example, a foreign instrument by the use of the equation:
dynameter (para 5-24).
Power = AP; (para 5-21).
Ramsden Dynameter.
a. Basic Use. The Ramsden dynameter
If the power is known and the diameter of the exit pupil is
desired (and a dynameter is unavailable), it is usually
the exit pupil. The dynameter is essentially a magnifier or
easier to measure approximately the entrance pupil and
eyepiece with fixed reticle. The eyepiece and the reticle
compute the diameter of the exit pupil.
move as a unit within the dynameter tube. When in use,
5-25. True and Apparent Fields of Telescope.
the dynameter is placed between the eye and the eyepiece
a. Definitions. The true field of view in a
of the instrument and focused until the bright disk of the exit
telescope is the width of the target area or field that can
pupil is sharply defined on the dynameter reticle. The
be viewed. It is expressed as either angular true field or
diameter of the exit pupil is then measured directly on the
linear true field (figs 5-27 and 5-28). The former is the
dynameter reticle (usually graduated in 0.5 millimeters) and
angle at the objective included by the two extreme
the eye distance or eye relief is read from the scale on the
principal rays which will enter the observer's eye. The
dynameter tube.
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