![]() TM 9-258
d. Instrument lights for the majority of fire-control
instruments are detachable. They consist of a container
for one or more dry-cell batteries, a light switch which is
sometimes combined with a rheostat, a clamping
arrangement, and a miniature electric bulb with facilities
for directing the illumination to one or more points on the
instrument (fig 4-29). Some systems have an additional
"finger light" (fig 4-30) to permit directing light to any part
of the instrument.
Figure 4-30. Instrument light for BC periscope.
e. Some instrument lights are not supplied with dry-
cell batteries, but use the vehicle power source.
light which enters the telescope is transmitted to the eye;
4-13. Introduction.
the remaining 40 percent is lost by reflection and
a. Light loss by absorption and scattered dispersive
absorption at the surfaces of the various elements. The
reflection on a silvered surface is about 7 percent.
result is that the image becomes dimmer, the stray
Whenever light strikes an ordinary glass surface, most of
reflections produce glare which reduces contrast, and
the light is transmitted through the glass and undergoes
"ghost images" are produced when viewing bright objects
refraction. However, even under the most favorable
at night due to reflection from the curved lens surfaces.
conditions generally about 4 to 6 percent of the light is
c. A process has been developed for coating the
lost by reflection from the surface. This loss takes place
air-to-glass surfaces of optical elements with a very thin
when light passes from glass to air as well as when light
film of transparent substance. The coating reduces the
passes from air to glass.
loss of light by reflection from each optical interface
b. This condition occurs at each optical surface of
surface to less than 1 percent (about 1/2 percent),
the elements in a fire-control instrument. For example,
resulting in a corresponding increase in the amount of
in a straight telescope with 6 optical elements there are
4ight transmitted through the element. Optical elements
12 surfaces at which there is reflection and loss of light.
so treated are termed coated optics.
Consequently, if each surface transmits 96 percent of the
light which it receives, only about 60 percent of the
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