![]() TM 9-258
j. Double Right-Angle Abbe Prism.
such slight deviations by means of reflection surfaces.
Wedges are used in the measurement systems of range
double right-angle Abbe prism consists of two right-angle
finders and to correct or adjust the alinement of paths of
prisms joined as shown in figure 4-16. This prism
light. They are of two general shapes--rectangular and
reflects light twice at right angles to the direction of the
incident ray. The image is rotated 90 two times.
b. The angle at which a wedge will deviate the
path of light is dependent upon the relative slant of its
two faces which are inclined toward each other like the
surfaces of a common house shingle. Some wedges
used in fire-control instruments appear to be plates or
disks of glass with parallel surfaces, because the angle
between the surfaces is so slight it cannot be detected
except by careful examination or by actual
c. Because deviation of rays of light by wedges
is produced by refraction instead of reflection, a certain
amount of dispersion or separation of colors results from
the use of wedges. For this reason achromatic wedges,
composed of two different kinds of glass to neutralize the
dispersion, must be used where the angles through
which the rays are bent are relatively large or where the
work performed by the wedges is of the most exacting
d. All wedges cause a certain deviation of the
path of light.
Instruments employing wedges are
sometimes designed so that the path of light entering the
wedge has a certain amount of initial deviation which is
termed the constant deviation. The constant deviation
makes it possible for the wedge to neutralize the
deviation in the path of light or divert the light at a minus
e. A wedge may be caused to change the path
of light in various directions by rotation of the wedge (fig
divert the path of light may be varied, likewise, by
changing the position of the wedge with relation to the
other elements of the optical system (fig 4-18).
Figure 4-16. Double right-angle Abbe prism.
a. The optical wedges used in fire-control
instruments are prisms with two plane surfaces at slight
angles which divert the paths of light through small
angles by refraction instead of by reflection. They are
used where the angle of deviation required may be a
matter of fractions of seconds and it would not be
Figure 4-17. Rotation of wedge changes direction of
practical to produce
path of light.
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