![]() TM 9-258
Figure 4-4. Typical light paths through field lens and eyelens of eyepieces.
e. Types of Oculars or Eyepieces. Types of
b. Construction. The lens of the eyepiece
nearest the eye is called the eyelens. The eyelens does
eyepieces used in optical fire-control instruments are
the actual magnifying of the image and can affect the
discussed in the following subparagraphs.
quality of the image as seen by the eye. The lens in the
represent general types rather than the specific
eyepiece nearest the objective is called the field lens.
eyepieces of instruments inasmuch as a specific type of
The field lens gathers the light from the objective and
eyepiece generally is modified to make it best suited for
converges it into the eyelens. If it were not for the field
a particular instrument.
f. Kellner. The Kellner eyepiece (achromatized
lens, much of the marginal light gathered by the objective
would not be brought into the field of the eyelens (A and
Ramsden, g below) consists of two lenses, field lens and
B, fig 4-4).
eyelens; the eyelens is corrected for color and is a
c. Relation of Eyepiece to Optical System. The
doublet or compound lens with the crown forward and
objective takes nearly parallel rays of light from a distant
the flat flint facing the eye. For full chromatic correction,
object and brings them to a focus turning them into
image lies in plane surface of field lens, but to use with
angular rays. The eyepiece takes these rays, which are
reticle is positioned forward of field len as illustrated in A,
diverging after having been brought to a focus, and
directs them into the eye.
sacrificed. To reduce aberration a dense barium crown
d. Magnification. Magnification by the eyelens
and light flint are used in the eyelens. This ocular gives
an achromatic and orthoscopic field that in some models
or eyelenses may be fixed of variable, or there may be
is as large as 500. Its most serious disadvantage is the
no magnification. Some instruments are provided with
pronounced ghost resulting from light reflected
changeable eyepieces to secure different degrees of
successively from the inner and outer surfaces of the
magnification. In other instruments, the relative positions
field lens. This system is common in prism binoculars.
of lenses not in the eyepiece are changed to effect
changes in magnification.
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