TM 9-258
Figure 2-39. Letter F as reflected by optical elements
(1) An image, regardless of size, that shows
mirror, it appears to be located at a distance behind the
the face of an object unchanged is said to be normal and
reflecting surface equal to the distance of the object from
erect (A, fig 2-39). When the object is seen as
the front of the mirror. The image is erect and reverted
horizontally transposed through 1800, it is termed
as are all single reflections from vertical plan mirrors.
b. In a dark room, the image of a tiny point of light
reverted and erect (B, fig 2-49). Reversion is the effect
seen in a vertical mirror where the image is reversed so
as viewed in the mirror appears to the observer to be
that the right side of the object becomes the left side of
located behind the mirror and on the other side of the
the image (fig 2-37).
room where it actually is. The observer sees along the
(2) The image of an object with its face
path of the reflected ray to the point where the ir dent ray
unchanged but upside down in termed normal and
is reflected by the mirror. His line of sir :is extended in
inverted (C, fig 2-39). Inversion is the effect seen in a
his mind in a direct line through and beyond the mirror.
horizontal mirror where the image is inverted so that the
The apparent position of the point of light in the mirror is
top of the object becomes the bottom of the image. If it
located directly across the room from the light source
appears turned from left to right as well as upside down,
and at the same distance behind the mirror as the light
it is said to be reverted and inverted (D, 2-39). This is
source is in front of the mirror (EYE "A", fig 2-40).
the effect seen on the ground glass of a camera
2-20. Image Reflection by Plane Mirror.
a. When the image of an object is seen in a
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