![]() TM 9-258
(3) Light rays. In considering visible light,
assume that it starts from a luminous point and travels
outwardly in all directions in waves through a medium of
constant density to form a sphere of which the luminous
point is the center (fig 2-4). The direction in which the
light is traveling is along the radii of the sphere of light
traveling along these radii is termed light rays.
Figure 2-5. Light travels in direction of radii of waves.
(4) Light rays from distant source. The wave
front radiating from a light source is curved when it is
near the source (fig 2-6) and the radii of the waves
diverge or spread. The wave front becomes less and
less curved as the waves move outwardly, eventually
becoming almost straight (fig 2-7), and the radii of waves
from a distant source are virtually parallel.
Figure 2-4. Light sources send waves in all directions.
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