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respiration, increased sputum, and chest tightness may occur. CARC paint also produces
itching and reddening of the skin, a burning sensation of the throat and nose, and watering
of the eyes.
An allergic reaction may occur after initial exposure (ranging from a few days to a few
months later), producing asthmatic symptoms including coughing, wheezing, tightness in
the chest, or shortness of breath.
The following precautions must be observed to ensure the safety of personnel when CARC
paint is applied:
For brush/roller painting in confined spaces, an airline respirator is required, unless an
air sampling shows exposure to be below standards. If the air sampling is below
standards, either chemical cartridge or airline respirators are required.
Spot painters applying CARC paint by brush or roller must wear clothing and gloves
affording full coverage.
Do not use water, alcohol, or amine based solvents to thin or remove CARC paints.
Use of these solvents with CARC paints can produce chemical reactions resulting in
nausea, disease, burns, or severe illness to personnel.
Do not use paint solvents to remove paint/coating from your skin.
Mix paint/coating in a well-ventilated mixing room or spraying area away from open
flames. Personnel mixing paint/coating should wear eye protection.
Use paint/coating with adequate ventilation.
Unusable CARC mixtures may be considered hazardous waste and may require
disposal IAW Federal, state, DOD, and DA hazardous waste regulations. Consult the
installation environmental office for proper disposal guidance. Mixed CARC is
extremely flammable-use only in well-ventilated areas, keep away from open flames,
heat, sparks, and other ignition sources.
Personnel grinding or sanding on painted equipment should use high efficiency air
purifying respirators.
Do not weld or cut CARC-coated metal. Substances causing skin or respiratory
irritation may be released. Before applying heat, sand or grind paint down to bare
metal on area four inches to either side of the area you plan to weld or cut.
When touching up damaged areas, the procedure should be as similar to the original method of
finishing as possible; a clean surface is imperative. Where general disintegration of the surface is
evident, or the under surface is corroded, the coating must be stripped clean from the part.
Corrosion must be removed or neutralized by mechanical or chemical treatment, or both, and the
surface metal must be pre-treated, primed, and then topcoated.
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