![]() TM 9-2350-238-20-1
(2) Do not use turbine fuel, diesel fuel,
gasoline, paint thinner, or benzene (benzol) for
General Cleaning Instructions.
cleaning. These liquids may cause personal
(3) Always wear protective clothing when
Dry cleaning solvent (SD2) (item 16,
using solvent. Solvent may dry skin.
Wear protective goggles and gloves
and use only in well-ventilated areas.
Improper use of high pressure water
hose or steam cleaner can damage
(1) Use dry cleaning solvent (item 16,
seals and electrical components re-
metal parts. If a water hose is available, it
sulting in equipment failure. Use high
may be used to take off heavy dirt. If a steam
pressure water only on suspension
cleaner is available, it may be used to take off
any remaining dirt. Make sure steam or water
does not enter roadwheel bearings, shock ab-
(4) Do not clean inside hull with high
sorbers, optics, hatches, and powerpack open-
pressure steam or air. Some parts inside hull
may rust or be damaged.
ings. After water or steam cleaning, lubricate
vehicle. If water is found, drain and refill.
Clean grease, oil, or dirt from all metal parts
(5) When washing outside of vehicle,
with dry cleaning solvent, cleaning compound,
close and lock all hatches. Cover periscope
with plastic sheets. Remove covers after wash-
or equivalent.
(2) Use mild soap and water to clean or
wash parts not made of metal. Rinse thorough-
(6) Do not use polishing cloths, liquids,
ly after cleaning with water and then dry.
pastes, or other rough cleaners to clean instru-
ment lenses or periscope lenses. Use lens
paper to clean lenses. Take off fingerprints, oil,
(3) Remove rust or dirt from fine-ma-
and dirt with lens cleaning compound and lens
chined surfaces with dry cleaning solvent (item
if necessary. Do not use any other material.
Be careful not to change the dimensions of
(7) If anything looks wrong and cannot
parts when rubbing off rust. Coat bare metal
be fixed, report it on DA Form 2404. If some-
surfaces, after cleaning, with CLP (item 8, appx
thing looks dangerous or may cause equipment
damage, report it to the maintenance supervisor
right away.
(4) Nameplates, caution plates, and in-
struction plates may rust quickly. When they
c. Services. Services performed by the
unit maintenance mechanic consist of the fol-
are rusty, clean parts and coat them with CLP
(item 8, appx C).
lowing tasks:
b. Precautions. The following precautions
(1) Adjusting. Make all necessary adjust-
will help prevent personal injury or damage to
ments and alinements.
(2) Servicing. This usually means drain-
ing and refilling units with oil and changing or
cleaning oil filters, fuel filters, and air cleaners.
on rubber parts. Solvent, fuel, and lubricants
may damage rubber parts.
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