![]() TM 9-2350-238-20-1
2-6. SCOPE. This section details the pre-
S - Semiannually
ventive maintenance checks and services
A - Annually
18-18 Months
(PMCS) and the lubrication instructions for the
AR - As Required
hull at the unit level. Preventive maintenance is
the care, inspection, and service of the M578
d. Column 3. The "Item to Check/Service
Recovery Vehicle to keep it operating and to
column identifies the item to be checked, ser-
find troubles before repairs or replacements are
viced, or lubricated.
needed. Preventive maintenance is performed
at crew and unit levels.
e. Column 4. The "Procedure" column
describes the check, service, or lubrication to
a. Crew. All crew PMCS and lubrication
be performed.
tasks must be completed before unit PMCS is
begun, refer to TM 9-2350-238-10.
f. Colunm 5. The "Not Fully Mission Capa-
ble If" column contains the criteria which will
b. Unit. This section tells what preventive
render the system incapable of performing its
maintenance tasks are done by unit mainte-
primary mission.
nance mechanics. Always start at the front and
follow it in order, to the back.
All semiannual preventive mainte-
nance tasks are also done during
annual maintenance.
a. Unit Preventive Maintenance Tasks.
PMCS tasks will normally be done semiannual-
High temperature is more than 100 F
ly; every 6 months, 2400 kilometers (1500
(38 C). Low temperature is less than
miles), or 150 hours of operation, whichever
0 F (-18 C).
comes first.
Salt water is present during fording,
(1) Annually. Once a year, as specified.
sea spray, and morning mist in coast-
al areas.
(2) Eighteen (18) months. As specified.
Dust conditions are high when oil
b. Column 7. The "Item No." column con-
level in hubcaps cannot be seen.
tains the item number which shall be used as a
source of item numbers for the TM Number
Operating the M578 Recovery Vehicle in very
Column on the DA Form 2404, Equipment in-
high or very low temperatures, in dust, mud, or
spections and Maintenance Worksheet, in re-
salt water may require additional preventive
cording results of PMCS.
c. Column 2. The "Interval" column lists
the specific interval at which the PMCS will be
performed. They are as follows:
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