TM 9-2320-386-10
Primary fuels listed below must be used whenever possible.
Alternate I fuels are most desirable if primary fuels are not
available, with emergency fuel the least desirable.
Primary Fuels
Diesel fuel, AA-52557, grade DF-2
Do not use below +32F (0C)
(NATO code no. F-54)
Diesel fuel, AA-52557, grade DF-A
All temperatures
(NATO code no. F-54)
Turbine fuel, aviation, kerosene type,
Do not use below -58F (-50C)
MIL-DTL-83133, grade JP-8
(NATO code no. F-34)
Alternate I Fuels
Turbine fuel, MIL-DTL-5624, grade JP-5
Do not use below -51F (-46C)
(NATO code no. F-44)
Diesel fuel, MIL-F-16884
Do not use below +15F (-9C)
(NATO code no. F-75 or F-76)
Emergency Fuel
_ AR _ NG
Never mix JP-4 turbine fuel with other fuels outside of vehicle
fuel tank. Any mixing should be done by adding fuels to fuel
tank. JP-4 turbine fuels are highly combustible and may
explode, resulting in injury to personnel.
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If engine runs rough when using any emergency fuel, add 10%
to 30% diesel fuel to smooth engine performance. Failure to add
diesel fuel may result in damage to pistons, clogging of fuel fil-
ter, and early failure of fuel injectors.
Turbine fuel, MIL-DTL-5624, grade JP-4
Do not use below -72F (-58C)
(NATO code no. F-40)
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