Maintenance functions are limited to and defined as follows:
a. Inspect. To determine the serviceability of an item by comparing its physical, mechani-
cal, and/or electrical characteristics with established standards through examination (e.g.,
by sight, sound, or feel).
b. Service. Operations required periodically to keep an item in proper operating condition.
(1) Clean. To rid the item of contamination.
(2) Touch up. To spot paint scratched or blistered surfaces.
(3) Mark. To restore obliterated identification.
c. Renovate. To restore item to serviceable condition.
(1) Repair. To restore serviceability to an item by correcting specific damage, fault, mal-
function, or failure through the application of maintenance services or other mainte-
nance actions.
(2) Replace. To remove an unserviceable item and install a serviceable counterpart in its
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