on pages 1-4 thru 1-6) with the following exceptions:
a. The TFPE is totally inert and is labeled as such. All energetic components have been
removed and replaced with inert substitutes. These include the primaline, the shock tube,
the blasting cap, the M81, and the powder and liquid components of the explosive con-
b. The seal cutter is omitted from inside the powder tube of the explosive container.
c. The powder tube of the tactical explosive container is green; the powder tube for the
TFPE is green and has a bronze band. The liquid tube of the tactical explosive container
is yellow; the liquid tube for the TFPE is green. The shock tube and primaline are green
for the M300 FPE and blue for the TFPE.
The M300 FPE and TFPE are identical in size and shape. Refer to paragraph 1.5.4 for differ-
ences between models.
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