TM 9-1375-213-12-3
TO 11A20-15-1
b. Cut a 10-foot (3.3 meters) length of insu-
lated, single conductor wire for a receiver
If components are accidentally dropped,
antenna. Strip half an inch of insulation from
one end of the wire. If the wire is enameled,
damaed or impacted in transit, they
should checked out again before use
use the dull edge of a knife blade to scrape the
in accordance with paragraph c above.
enamel off the wire.
e. If practical, choose a transmitter location
that provides a clear line of sight to the receiver
and within a kilometer of the receiver. Refer to
Any 10-foot (3.3 meters) length of insu-
lated wire may be used as an antenna
operational ranges for the M122 under differ-
for the receiver. A two conductor (wire)
ent conditions. These are MAXIMUM opera-
lamp cord may be used, however use
only one wire of this lamp cord for the
tional ranges. It is always desirable to have the
antenna. Strip half an inch of insula-
transmitter as close as practical to the receiver.
tion from one of the conductors (wires)
f. Refer to table 2-1 for the number of caps
for connection to the receiver. Make
and firing lead lengths allowable and plan tie
sure that the other conductor of the
details of the operation accordingly.
lamp cord is not touching the conductor
that is attached to the receiver at ANY
g. Emplace the explosive(s), mine(s), or
other device(s) to be actuated by the receiver in
accordance with FM 5-250 or other standard
approved procedures.
c. Install batteries and conduct a checkout
of all transmitters and receivers in accordance
h. Prior to use, check each blasting cap for
with paragraph 3-9. If the receiver is to be left
continuity using blasting galvanometers or M51
on duty for an extended period of time refer to
test set in accordance with standard procedures
duty times.
in TM 9-1375-213-12 and FM 5-250. A flash of
the test set's lam or a wide deflection of the gal-
vanometer's needle indicates a complete circuit.
i. Wire the blasting caps in a series or paral-
lel circuit in accordance with standard proce-
dures. Use electrical tap e to insulate each
splice to prevent accidental shorting or ground-
(See part III)
Do not at this step of the procedure put
caps into the explosives.
d. Transport checked-out transmitter(s),
receiver(s), and other required items to opera-
tional area. Provide M122 components with
j. Check the blasting cap circuit with a
secure stowage during vehicle transport so
blasting galvanometers or M51 test set. A flash
they will not be bounced about or dropped dur-
of the test set's lam or a wide deflection of the
ing transport.
galwmometer's needle indicates a complete cir-
cuit. Termorarily twist the ends of blasting cap
leads together to short circuit them.
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