![]() TM 9-1300-277
Inhabited Building Distance-Inhabited building distances
ground being warmer than the surrounding air). This
are the minimum distances which may be expected to
condition is usually found when skies are clear, between
protect buildings or structures from substantial structural
the hours of 1000 and 1600. During such conditions,
damage (not readily repairable) from blast effect. These
strong convection currents may exist. An unstable
distances do not provide protection against glass
atmospheric condition such as described is favorable for
breakage, but do provide a high degree of protection
disposal of chemical agents for tactical purposes.
from fragments.
Liquid Propellants-Substances used for propulsion or
Intermagazine Distance-The minimum distance permit-
operation of missiles, rockets, or related devices.
ted between explosives locations, as prescribed for
various types and quantities of explosives.
Loading Docks-Facilities at ground level or elevated
distance is expected to prevent propagation by blast
structures designed and installed for transferring
(shock wave) and to provide a reasonable degree of
ammunition, explosives, and component parts thereof,
protection against propagation due to fragments.
to or from automotive vehicles, railway cars, and/or
cargo-type aircraft.
Intraline Distance-The minimum permitted (except as
Magazine-Any building or structure, except an operating
indicated below) between any two buildings within any
building, used for storage of ammunition explosives or
one operating line. Intraline distances are also used for
loaded ammunition components. Includes such facilities
separating certain specified areas and locations within
as an above-ground magazine, an igloo-type magazine,
explosives establishments even though actual
a railroad car, a motor truck, a temporary shelter, or an
operations are not involved.
Intraline distance is
open storage site.
expected to protect from propagation of explosion due
to blast effects, but not against possibility of propagation
Magazine Area-A specifically designated area set aside
due to fragments. Buildings separated by intraline
distances will probably suffer substantial structural
for the primary purpose of ammunition and explosives
Intraline Operations-Processes accomplished within one
Magazine Distance-This distance is the minimum
operating line.
permitted between any two storage magazines.
Distance required is determined by the type or types of
magazines and also the type and the quantity of
Intraline Separations-The distance to be maintained
ammunition or explosives from one magazine to another
between any two operating buildings and/or sites within
from blast and provides a reasonable degree of
an operating line, at least one of which contains or is
protection against propagation of explosion due to
designed to contain explosives.
fragments. It does not, except perhaps for earth
covered magazines, protect the magazines from severe
Inversion Condition-An increase of air temperature
structural damage.
resulting from an increase in altitude (the ground being
cooler than the surrounding air). This condition is
Magazine, Earth-Covered, Non-standard All Earth-
usually found on clear or partially-clear nights and early
in the morning to about one hour after sunrise. There
covered magazines except Army igloo, Navy arch-type,
will be no convection currents and little mechanical
earth-covered, corrugated steel, arch-type, and module,
turbulence with winds less than six miles per hour. A
open storage, barricaded with earth covering equal to or
stable atmospheric condition such as described is
greater than that required by standard igloo magazines.
favorable for releasing chemical agents for tactical
Malfunction-Failure of item to function in accordance
purposes, but it is the most unfavorable condition for
disposal purposes.
with its expected performance or functioning of the
explosive components during a non-functional test.
Lapse Condition-The condition in which a decrease of
air temperature results from an increase in altitude (the
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