![]() TM 9-1300-277
Hangfire-See Malfunction.
demolition material and blasting caps. The holding area
must be situated at great enough distance from the
Hazard-Any condition which may result in, or contribute
disposal point or barricaded to ensure the material
stored therein is safe from premature detonation from
to, the severity of an accident.
flying debris resulting from a disposal action.
Hazard Classification-Identifies the hazardous charac-
Hydrolysis-The reaction of a chemical agent or chemical
teristics of explosives items by assignment to
established hazard categories governing storage and
substance with water, whereby decomposition of the
These categories are:
substance takes place and one or more new substances
are produced. Hydrolysis reduces the effectiveness of
Department of Transportation (DOT) Class, and DOT
many chemical agents; although, in some, the resulting
product of hydrolysis may in itself be a poison, as with
agents containing arsenic. The rate of hydrolysis is
Hazardous Fragment-A hazardous fragment is one
determined by the resistance offered by a chemical
agent or substance to decomposition by water.
having an impact energy of 58 foot-pounds or greater.
Hypergolic-A property of various combinations of
Hazardous Fragment Density-A density of hazardous
fragments exceeding one per 600 square feet.
chemicals to self-ignite upon contact with each other
without a spark or other external initiation.
Hazardous Locations for Electrical Equipment Locations
Incendiary-Ammunition with inflammable filling.
where flammable gases or vapors are or may be present
in the air in explosive or ignitable mixtures or where
combustible dust or easily ignitable particles or fibers
ICM-Munitions that embody a unique design to control
may be present.
the number, size, and distribution of fragments produced
when the item functions.
Hazardous Material-Any compound, mixture, element,
or assemblage or material which, because of inherent
Inert-Ammunition containing no explosives or chemical
characteristics, is dangerous to manufacture, process,
store, or handle.
Inert Area-Any area other than an explosives or
High Explosive Equivalent or Explosive Equivalent-The
ammunition area within an establishment.
amount of a standard explosive which, when detonated,
will produce a blast effect comparable to that which
Inert Components-Ammunition parts which contain no
results at the same distance from the detonation or
explosives or chemical agents.
explosion of a given amount of the material for which
performance is being evaluated. It is usually expressed
Inhabited Building-Any building or structure, other than
as a percentage of the total net weight of all reactive
an operating building, magazine or auxiliary building,
materials contained in the item or system. For the
occupied in whole or part as a habitation for human
purpose of these standards, TNT is used for
beings, or a building, structure or area where people are
accustomed to assemble, such as a church,
schoolhouse, railroad station, and similar transportation
High Explosives Equivalent or TNT Explosives Equiv-
facilities, store, theater, or factory, both within and
alent - Deleted
outside Government establishments.
Land outside
boundaries of establishments will be considered
possible sites of inhabited buildings.
Holding Area--That area established, within a site, for
temporary storage of munitions to be destroyed,
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