![]() TM 9-1300-277
(2) Demilitarization stock generations are
controlled by the item managers at ARRCOM and are
determined in large part by comparing item
a. All class V material in the special
requirements (acquisition objective) with availability
demilitarization account will be reported in accordance
(present inventory posture). These generations occur as
with AR 700-22, Worldwide Ammunition Reporting
a result of excess, obsolescence, or unserviceability.
System (WARS), including supplements/revisions
For excess and obsolete items, the item manager issues
incorporating demilitarization.
a Materiel Release Order (MRO) to each of the depots
where the assets are located, transferring the material
b. This report is a management informational tool
out of his field service account into the 11P
reflecting the assets, accomplishments, schedules,
(demilitarization) account, Concurrently, he notifies
equivalent tonnages, estimated and actual costs of
DRSAR-MAB, the demilitarization program manager, of
authorized programs within the current fiscal year (FY).
the transaction. The results of cyclic and special
The balance of all assets (unauthorized) in the 11P
inspections of ammunition material, stored at each
account are displayed unscheduled in the following FY
depot are forwarded by their quality assurance
of the report. Assets are arranged by DODIC and
personnel to the ARRCOM item managers in the form of
location for all DESCOM installations/ARRCOM plants
Ammunition Condition Reports (ACR) and are the
and arsenals,
source for identifying unserviceables. An MRO is also
initiated by the item manager to transfer the
unserviceable material from his field service account
c. DARCOM Reg 755-3 governs the accounting
into the demilitarization account. A copy of the ACR on
and reporting requirements for Special Defense
which the MRO number has been referenced is
Property Disposal Accounts CSPDA) at DARCOM
forwarded to DRSAR-MAB.
installations and activities satellited on those accounts
for demilitarization support.
(3) Upon notification of excess or obsolete
transactions or receipt of ACR unserviceables from the
d. Accounting
item manager (DRSAR-MAB) as described above for
OCONUS for material generated for demilitarization will
the ARRCOM plants/arsenals, inputs for each of the
be in accordance with theater policies and directives,
items and depot specifies all programs into its CAWMIS
system and generates individual work authorizations. In
the case of the DESCOM depots, the work authorization
is produced in hardcopy form, and a copy signed by the
a. Ammunition is generated for demilitarization
demilitarization program manager is mailed to the
from the following sources:
performing depot to authorize commencement of
demilitarization on the item. Duplicate informational
copies are provided DESCOM/DRSAR-S, and
(1) Shipment
ARRCOM Maintenance Engineering Division, The
demilitarization as directed by an Accountable Supply
original is retained at DRSAR-MAB for control purposes.
Distribution Activity (ASDA).
(4) Authorization for small quantities with a
(2) Shipment of other service/ agency
disposal cost of less than $1000 for a single undertaking
materiel to demilitarization as directed by the other
are assumed without an authorization, but are reported
service/agency based on inter-service support
using as assigned Pseudo DODIC on a cumulative basis
monthly in the WARS report.
(3) Shipment of retail stocks (installation
supply account) to demilitarization as directed by the
installation accountable property officer.
(4) Shipment from a post, camp, or station to
demilitarization when the
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