![]() TM 9-1300-277
installations or card/tape authorizations for autodin
arms weapons at Rock Island Arsenal, and conventional
transmission to SPEEDEX serviced activities. In either
ammunition demilitarization at Crane AAA, McAlester
instance, the work authorization conveys authority to
AAP, Hawthorne AAP, Pine Bluff Arsenal, Rocky
commence the specified demilitarization operation and
Mountain Arsenal, and on occasion at some of the 23
requires establishment of individual accounting records
GOCO ammunition production facilities. Radioactive
for each order in the local cost system. Cards/Tapes
Waste contracts and personnel, as well as the small
transmitted to these installations are in a SPEEDEX
arms weapons demilitarization program are fully funded
compatible configuration and in input ready format to
from available resources and require approximately
facilitate establishment of a Project Cost Number (PCN)
$500K annually. The balance of the demilitarization
in their accounting system for accumulation of costs and
allotment is equitably distributed to all performing
accomplishments on each order.
installations involved in conventional ammunition
demilitarization in order to insure that each facility is
effectively utilized. The level of funding allocated to
(3) Each work authorization is assigned a
each is determined by both the priority of items on their
unique fourteen digit Procurement Request Order
planned schedule and the capacity of their facility.
Number (PRON) for identification purposes similar in
construction to those used throughout DARCOM on the
(2) ARRCOM funding is transmitted to the
DARCOM Form 1095. The five digit serial number
installations involved in conventional ammunition
portion of the PRON is assembled by utilizing a numeric
demilitarization via DARCOM Form 1095. To minimize
one or two in the first position to identify either
the quantity of orders needed to implement the program
DESCOM depot or ARRCOM plant/ arsenal workload,
and for which separate accounting records must be
respectively, and the four digit DODIC of the NSN being
established and maintained at the headquarters, the
authorized for demilitarization is entered in the
funding documents identify and support the specific
remaining positions.
Each work authorization also
demilitarization processes that will be employed at each
includes a customer order control number. The PRON
installation, rather than individual line items. Examples
number of the DARCOM Form 1095 funding document
of these processes are:
Open burning/detonation;
is entered in this field and provides correlation between
deactivation furnace operations; breakdown and
the work authorizing and funding documents.
washout/steamout; disassembly and fluidized bed
disposal, etc. On each order a list of items by DODAC's
b. DESCOM Depots.
to be disposed of by the process are identified.
Individual work authorizations, however, are issued to
(1) Annual OMA demilitarization funding
the installations for each line item CDODAC) to be
allotted to DESCOM by DARCOM is distributed to each
These work authorizations contain
depot based on their historical level of yearly
demilitarization workload, The DARCOM Form 1095 is
demilitarization cost, unit weight, total funds authorized,
the document used by DESCOM to provide incremental
schedule and specific technical instructions using the
funding of the program by quarter. The conventional
latest DMWR, SOPR, LOI, TM, or TO as a basis that
ammunition demilitarization program at the depots
will be followed in accomplishing the project. The work
authorization is a product of a local computer program
demilitarization asset generations as they occur. For
Conventional Ammunition Workloading Management
this reason, program specific (items and quantities)
Information System (CAWMIS), which maintains a
cannot be identified prior to issuance of the funding
complete record of all active demilitarization orders,
orders. As a result, a single bulk service order is issued
Input to the system is prepared by DRSAR-MAB, the
to each depot for demilitarization program support.
ARRCOM program manager for demilitarization. The
Workloading of these bulk orders is accomplished by
CAWMIS program generates either hardcopy work
authorizations for dispatch to non SPEEDEX
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