![]() TM 9-1300-277
from the alternator is rectified and fed into storage
capacitors. When sufficient energy is available in the
c. Marking. Demolition equipment is identified by
capacitors (may require 3-4 strokes of the handle), an
its nomenclature, identification number, contract
internal switching circuit discharges the electrical energy
number, place and date of manufacture, lot number, and
to the output terminals and, thus, to the blasting circuit.
net weight. This information is stenciled on the item
This machine is capable of initiating 10 M6 electric
itself, on its container, or on both. Some demolition
blasting caps.
devices do not have either an Army or a Navy
identification number; these devices are identified by
(4) Blasting machine: M34. The M34 is
their nomenclature.
similar to the M32 but is capable of initiating 50 M6
electric blasting caps.
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