![]() TM 9-1300-277
characteristics. Electric blasting cap M6 is replacing
demolition charge. The caps require only a small spit of
electric blasting cap J-2. The M6 caps are packed 6
flame or a shock on their igniter charge (within the cup)
caps per carton, 1 carton per waterproof bag, 25 bags
for ignition. A time blasting fuse or the primer in a firing
per fiberboard container, 6 containers (900 caps) per
device coupling base may provide the flame; the shock
waterproof lined wooden box (114 lb gross).
may be provided by a detonating cord which is initiated
by another cap.
(3) Caps, blasting, nonelectric, (fig. 4-8).
Nonelectric blasting caps initiate any standard
Figure 4-8. Military nonelectric blasting cap.
(4) Cap, blasting, nonelectric, M7.
(2) Safety fuse (fig.
standard Army nonelectric blasting cap is the M7,
consists of black powder tightly wrapped with several
replacing the older commercial J1, No. 6 and No. 8.
layers of fiber and waterproofing material and may be
The open end of the M7's cup is flared to make insertion
any color, orange being the most common. The burning
of a fuse or coupling base nipple easier. The caps are
rate may vary for the same or different rolls from 30 to
packed 6 caps per carton, 1 carton per waterproof bag,
45 seconds per foot under different atmospheric and
50 bags per fiberboard container, 12 containers (3,600
climatic conditions (exposure for over 12 hours to the
caps) per wooden box.
elements, extreme changes in temperature, and the
like), and each roll must be tested prior to using in the
c. Blasting Fuse
area where the charge is to be placed. Particular
(1) Time blasting fuse. Time blasting fuse
precautions must be taken if used under water, as the
transmits a flame from a match or igniter to a
rate of burning is increased significantly. In artic
nonelectric blasting cap or other explosive charge
temperatures, the outside covering becomes brittle and
providing a time delay wherein blasters may retire to a
cracks easily.
safe distance prior to the explosion. There are two
(3) Time fuse M700 (fig. 4-10).
types: safety fuse and time fuse M700. These may be
used interchangeably.
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