![]() TM 9-1300-277
burning. If the local medical officer and/or certified First
chloroform, itself, is toxic. Aspirin may be given to
Aid personnel are available, apply a 1percent solution of
relieve headache and general discomfort.
copper sulfate to the particles imbedded in the skin; this
(4) FS. For liquid on the skin, wash with a
will produce an airproof, black coating over the particles.
large amount of water, then with sodium bicarbonate
The phosphorous particles (copper plated and black
aqueous solution. The skin burns are treated as for
colored) should be removed by washing or with forceps,
thermal burns of like severity. For liquid in the eyes,
and the injury should be treated as an ordinary burn. If
wash with water or aqueous saline solution, and report
no copper sulfate is available, keep the burning part of
for medical treatment as soon as possible.
the body under water, or apply wet compresses until
(5) FM. Treatment is the same as for FS.
medical help arrives. Oily based salves must not be
(6) HC. There is no physiological reaction
used to treat WP burns because WP is soluble in oil and
from solid HC. However, irritation of the nose and
may cause systemic poisoning. A 1-percent copper
throat should be treated by irrigating with water or
sulfate solution may also be used in the eyes if WP
aqueous saline solution. Aspirin should be given to
particles are not removed by irrigation; if authorized by
ease general discomfort.
The person should be
local medical officer. If no local medical officer and/or
removed to fresh air as soon as possible.
certified First Aid personnel are available, water and
(7) WP and PWP. For WP particles burning
saline solution are authorized for use.
flesh, immediately plunge portions of the body burned
by WP particles under water; this stops WP from
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