![]() TM 9-1300-277
perform it. If he is incapacitated, decontamination must
it may cause some temporary irritation of the eyes,
be done for him as soon as possible by any person
nose, and throat. Vapors of WP and PWP (no vapors in
present who can be spared from emergency duties long
smoke) are very poisonous and can produce bone
enough to do so.
decay. Burning particles of WP and PWP can produce
extensive burns which heal very slowly. Imbedded
d. It is important that all personnel be trained to
particles may cause systemic phosphorous poisoning.
administer artificial respiration effectively. The mouth-
to-mouth method and its variations as well as the back
c. Self-Aid.
pressure-arm lift method (Holger-Nielsen method) are
(1) If burning particles strike and stick to
clothing, take off the contaminated clothing quickly
e. First aid procedures for the following chemical
before the phosphorous burns through to the skin.
groups are:
(2) If burning particles strike the skin,
(1) CA and CN (including CNS/ CNB). The
smother the flame with water, wet cloth or wet sand.
contaminated person should be removed to fresh air
Keep the phosphorous covered with wet material to
and faced toward the wind with eyes open. If some
exclude air until the particles can be removed. WP and
contaminant remains in the eye (rarely) it should be
PWP continues to burn unless deprived of oxygen.
flushed out promptly with water or saline solution. If
(3) Try to remove the particles with a knife,
available, a 1/4 percent solution of sodium sulfite will be
stick, or other available object. It may be possible to
more effective in dissolving and neutralizing the agent.
remove some particles with a wet cloth.
The eyes must not be rubbed or bandaged. Dermatitis
(4) If the eyes become contaminated, flush
and superficial skin burns may be treated with Calomine
the eyes immediately with water. Tilt the head to one
lotion for symptomatic relief. The treatment of deeper
side, pull the eyelids apart with the fingers and pour
burns is the same as for thermal burns of like severity
water slowly into the eye so that it will run off the side of
(TM 8-285).
the face to avoid the spreading of the contamination.
(2) CS (CS1 and CS2). Treatment is similar
(5) Report to the medical services as soon as
to that for CN. Eyes must be thoroughly irrigated with
water or saline solution or, preferably, a 1/4 percent
solution of sodium sulfite, and the casualty must be sent
a. Self-aid comprises those aid measures which
for medical treatment of the eyes.
the individual can apply in helping himself and is
(3) DM, DA, and DC. -Remove the casualty
described in paragraphs 3-2 and 3-3.
First Aid
to fresh air and away from heat. Have him rinse his
comprises the emergency actions undertaken by
nose and throat with salt water or bicarbonate of soda
nonmedical personnel to restore or to maintain vital
solution. Wash the exposed skin and scalp with soap
body functions in a casualty.
and water and allow it to dry on the skin; dust the skin
b. Whenever a casualty in a chemically
with borated talcum. Let the casualty sniff chlorine
contaminated area is unable to put on his protective
vapor from bleach solution; if the person's reactions are
mask, that must be done for him immediately by the
severe, let him carefully breath chloroform vapors until
nearest person able to do so, to prevent further
the symptoms or irritation subside. Chloroform is not to
be used to the point of inducing anesthesia, since
c. Every individual is responsible for his own
personal decontamination if he is physically able to
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