![]() TM 9-1300-275/2
3-3.4 Preparation and Use.
b. A 10-percent solution is usually enough for
decontamination. It is prepared by mixing 10 pounds of
Do not use DS-2 near open flames.
caustic soda with 12 gallons of water. A 5-percent
solution is recommended for decontamination of fabrics,
3-3.4.1 DS-2 is a ready-to-use preparation that does not
leather, and canvas. Prepare it by mixing 5 pounds of
require any mixing. It is effective from -25 . to 125 .
the soda with 12 gallons of water.
3-3.4.2 This is a general-purpose decontaminant that is
c. When mixing, add the caustic soda to the water
effective against all toxic agents; however, it requires
(not water to caustic soda) to prevent boiling and
relatively large quantities to neutralize the agent
splattering because of excessive heat formed when
(approx. 2.4 gal/lb of G-series agent; 1.2 gal/lb of V-
dissolving the caustic.
series agent; 6 gal/lb of blister agent). It reacts against
3-4.4.2 Use.
G-series and blister agents to reduce their hazards
a. Caustic soda solution destroys G-agents
effectively within 5 minutes. Only one application is
immediately to 5 minutes after contact.
required on contaminated surfaces. After 30 minutes,
b. It decontaminates choking and blood agents
flush the decontaminated surface thoroughly with water.
after a 30-minute contact time.
3-5 HTH-HTB SOLUTION (High-Test Hypochlorite).
3-5.1 Composition.
3-4.1 Composition.
High-test hypochlorite is also known as high-test bleach
This is a white solid that dissolves easily in water. The
and is a stable, water-soluble solid. It is usually in
chemical name is sodium hydroxide (NaOH); it is also
granular or tablet form. This chemical contains at least
known as lye or sodium hydrate.
70-percent calcium hypochlorite. It is similar to STB
3-4.2 Packaging and Storage.
(supertropical bleach) but has more chlorine and is,
Sodium hydroxide is stable when stored in tightly sealed
therefore, more corrosive.
metal drums.
It will absorb moisture and carbon
dioxide, and corrode aluminum, tin, or zinc. While not a
3-5.2 Packaging and Storage.
fire hazard, it liberates considerable heat when mixed
HTH-HTB is packaged in 5-pound cans and 100-pound
with water.
drums. It is fairly stable but decomposes when heated.
HTH-HTB loses its chlorine content rapidly when open.
3-4.3 Safety Precautions.
Therefore, it should be sealed and stored in a cool, dry
3-4.3.1 Detection. Caustic soda is a white solid in the
place. When moist, it corrodes metals, and destroys
form of flakes, powder, beads, or lumps that dissolve
most fabrics. When dry, it causes oils, grease, and DS-
easily in water.
2 to burn.
3-4.3.2 Protection. During handling, wear a protective
mask, rubber gloves, and rubber apron.
3-5.3 Safety Precautions.
3-4.3.3 Decontamination. Flush with large amounts of
3-5.3.1 Detection. HTH-HTB is a white tablet or
granular solid with a chlorine odor.
3-4.3.4 First-Aid. Caustic soda is a very caustic alkali
3-5.3.2 Protection. Wear a protective mask, apron,
which, on contact, burns the skin and eyes. Wash it off
boots, and rubber gloves when handling this solution.
the skin immediately with water followed by a 2-percent
3-5.3.3 Decontamination. Flush off with large quantities
solution of acetic acid. Flush it out of the eyes with
of water.
large amounts of water, and seek medical aid
3-5.3.4 First-Aid. If HTH-HTB comes in contact with
the skin or clothing, flush the area with a large amount
of water.
3-4.4 Preparation and Use.
3-4.4.1 Preparation.
3-5.4 Preparation and Use.
a. Water solutions of caustic soda are effective in
3-5.4.1 A 10-percent solution or slurry is recommended.
most concentrations. Normally, the more concentrated
Mix 10 pounds of HTH-HTB with 12 gallons of water for
the solution, the faster the decontamination.
the solution and 50 pounds of HTH-HTB with 6 gallons
solutions decontaminate faster than cold ones.
of water for slurry.
3-5.4.2 This solution is used to decontaminate blister
agents (H, HD, and HT) and V-agents.
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