![]() TM 9-1300-275/2
3-2.4.2 This slurry is used to decontaminate G-series,
This section covers the chemical decontaminants with
V-series, and blister agents by leaving it on the
which technical escort personnel would normally be
contaminated surface for a 30-minute period and then
involved. Included are those used alone as stored and
washing it off with water, and testing for any remaining
those that must, before use, be mixed with water.
A .dry mix may be placed under
equipment to decontaminate any agents flushed from
3-2 STB (Supertropical Bleach) SLURRY.
the equipment. (Handle dry STB carefully; it burns on
3-2.1 Composition.
contact with blister agents and DS-2 and gives off toxic
STB consists of commercial bleach with about 6 percent
vapors from G-agents).
of calcium oxide added.
3-2.2 Packaging and Storage.
3-3.1 Composition.
3-2.2.1 STB is usually shipped in tightly-closed, 8-
DS-2 is a general-purpose decontaminant consisting of
gallon (50 pound) metal containers.
a 70-percent active agent, 28-percent solvent, and a 2-
3-2.2.2 It is fairly stable but decomposes when heated;
percent active-agent booster.
it loses about 1-percent of its 30- to 35-percent available
chlorine content each month. Therefore, it should be
3-3.2 Packaging and Storage.
stored in a cool dry place and discarded after expiration
3-3.2.1 DS-2 is available in 1 1/3-quart cans for filling
time. This chemical can explode when heated above
the M11 portable decontaminating apparatus. It is
300 .
packed in 5-gallon drums for application with brooms,
2-2.2.3 When placed in damp areas, it will corrode
swabs, or brushes.
metal and destroy most fabrics.
3-3.2.2 This solution is stable in storage, if protected
from temperature extremes.
3-2.3 Safety Precautions.
3-3.2.3 DS-2 is flammable and should not be used with
3-2.3.1 Detection. STB is a white powder with a
chlorine odor.
It will discolor, soften, or blister painted
3-2.3.2 Protection. No special protection is required,
surfaces, and corrode tin, zinc, and aluminum on
except when STB is in dust form in the air. In such
prolonged contact.
instance, wear a mask and impermeable apron, gloves,
and boots.
3-3.3 Safety Precautions.
3-2.3.3 Decontamination. Flush with large amounts of
3-3.3.1 Detection. DS-2 is a light-amber liquid with a
water and wash with soap containing lanolin.
slightly sweet odor.
3-2.3.4 First-Aid. STB dust is irritating to skin, eyes,
Wear rubber gloves and a
and throat. It should be flushed out or off immediately,
protective mask when handling this solution. Do not
using plenty of plain water.
allow DS-2 to contact the voicemitter-outlet valve in the
M17 protective mask. DS-2 will destroy the mylar in this
3-2.4 Preparation and Use.
valve immediately upon contact. DS-2 will cause a fire
upon contact with dry HTH-HTB or STB.
3-2.4.1 Slurry for applications prescribed in this manual
3-3.3.3 Decontamination. Flush with large amounts of
is prepared by mixing one can (50 pounds) of STB with
water. Excess DS-2 may be disposed of by burning.
6 gallons of water. A "dry mix" can be prepared by
3-3.3.4 First-Aid. DS-2 will irritate the skin and eyes.
mixing 2 shovelsfull of STB with 3 shovelsfull of earth or
Treatment is the same as for any chemical burn. It can
similar material.
be removed readily from the skin, without harmful
effects, by washing immediately with water.
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