TM 9-1300-275/2
2-5.4 Characteristics.
e. Dry HTH-HTB will cause oil-grease, DS-2, or
mustard agents to burn on contact.
a. Boiling point, 49 .
2-4.7.2 DS-2 (Decontaminating Solution No. 2). This is
b. Freezing point, -155 .
the recommended decontaminant for small quantities of
c. Vapor density (compared with air) is 3.4.
agent because it is a ready-to-use solution that does not
d. Liquid density (compared with water) is 1.38.
require any mixing. However, it requires relatively large
e. Duration of effectiveness: Normally, liquid
quantities of DS-2 (approx. 6 gal per lb of agent) to
evaporates within a very few minutes, although the
neutralize the agent. Only one application on the
vapor may remain for days in low places or in confined
contaminated surface is required. After a 30 minute
wait, flush off with water and test for any remaining
2-5.5 Safety Precautions.
a. Wear protective gloves and mask when
2-5.5.1 Portal of Entry Into Body. By inhalation of the
handling this solution.
vapors, causing injury to the nose, throat, and lungs.
b. Do not allow DS-2 to contact the voicemitter-
There is no damage to the eyes and skin.
outlet valve in the M17 protective mask. DS-2 will
2-5.5.2 Symptoms. Exposure causes uncontrollable
destroy the mylar in this valve immediately upon
coughing, tightness of the chest, choking sensation, and
The severity of poisoning cannot be
c. DS-2 will cause a fire upon contact with dry
estimated from the immediate symptoms because the
full effect is not apparent usually until 3 to 4 hours after
2-4.7.3 STB (Supertropical Bleach) Slurry. Mix 50
exposure. Symptoms may appear immediately after
pounds of STB, the content of its 8-gallon drum, and 6
exposure to a high concentration. Most deaths occur
gallons of water. Leave this slurry on the contaminated
within 24 hours.
surface for a 30-minute period. Then wash it off with
2-5.5.4 First-Aid. If exposed to CG vapor, move into
water and test for any remaining contamination. A dry
fresh air. Seek rest and keep comfortably warm. In all
mix (2 shovels full of STB to 3 shovels full of earth or
cases, get medical care.
similar material) may be placed under equipment to
decontaminate agents flushed from the equipment.
2-5.6 Detection.
a. This slurry is corrosive to metal and injurious to
2-5.6.1 CG may be detected by its odor which is similar
most fabrics.
to that of new-mown hay or grass.
b. Avoid the contact of slurry concentration on the
2-5.6.2 The fumes from a bottle of ammonia will cause
phosgene to form white fumes.
2-5.6.3 Use the chemical agent detector kit-green-band
c. Dry STB will cause a fire upon contact with DS-
detector tube.
2 and mustard agents.
2-4.7.4 Commercial or Household Bleach (Sodium
2-5.7 Decontamination.
Hypochlorite). No mixing is required; use the full-
Solutions are listed in order of preference for effective
strength solution. Commercial laundry solutions are 10-
decontamination of liquid agents in the shortest time.
to 10-percent concentrations. Household brands are 3-
Normally, aeration or venting is suitable for CG vapor.
to 6-percent.
2-5.7.1 DS-2 (Decontaminating Solution No. 2). This is
the recommended decontaminant for small quantities of
agent because it is a ready-to-use solution that does not
2-5.1 Symbol and Name.
require any mixing. However, it requires relatively large
(CG) Phosgene.
quantities of DS-2 to neutralize the agent. Only one
2-5.2 Description.
application on the contaminated surface is required.
Agent is a colorless gas above 49 . and a liquid below
After a 30-minute wait, flush off with water and test for
49 . It is normally a nonpersistent toxic agent that
any remaining contamination.
causes the lungs to fill with liquid. This results in death
a. Wear protective gloves and mask when
from lack of oxygen (dryland drowning) within 24 hours.
handling this solution.
2-5.3 Use.
b. Do not allow DS-2 to contact the voicemitter-
A delayed-action casualty agent used in mortar shells
outlet valve in the M17 protective mask. DS-2 will
and cylinders.
destroy the mylar in this valve immediately upon
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