![]() TM 9-1300-275/2
2-4.5.3 Symptoms (In Order of Appearance).
c. DS-2 will cause a fire upon contact with dry
a. There is little or no pain upon exposure to blister
agents. Symptoms usually appear in 4 to 6 hours; the
2-3.7.4 STB (Supertropical Bleach) Slurry. Mix 50
higher the concentration, the shorter the interval
pounds of STB, the content of its 8-gallon drum, with 6
between exposure and first symptoms.
gallons of water. Leave this slurry on the contaminated
surface for a 30-minute period. Then wash it off with
b. The eyes are very susceptible to low
water and detect for any remaining contamination. A
concentrations and become inflamed, causing "red eye"
dry mix (2 shovels full of STB to 3 shovels full of earth
and a sensation of grit in the eyes.
or similar material) may be placed under equipment to
c. The nose and throat become inflamed, causing
decontaminate agents flushed from the equipment.
sensations of having a head cold.
a. This slurry is corrosive to metal and injurious to
d. The skin reddens and water blisters may
most fabrics.
b. Avoid the contact of slurry concentrations on the
2-4.5.4 First-Aid.
a. Liquid mustard in the eyes must be flushed out
c. Dry STB will cause a fire upon contact with DS-
with water within the first few seconds after exposure.
Treatment is of little value after 2 minutes of exposure.
Hold the eyes open and flush with clear water for 2
2-4.1 Symbol and Name.
a. (H) Levinstein Mustard.
b. For the skin, use the skin decontaminating pad
from the M13 individual decontaminating and
b. (HD) Distilled Mustard.
reimpregnating kit, or protective ointment from the M5
c. (HT) Mustard-T-Mixture.
protection and treatment kit.
2-4.2 Description.
2-4.6 Detection.
24.2.1 Blister agents are dark-brown oily liquids at field
From the ABC-M18A2 detector kit, use M7A1 vesicant
purity and of relatively low volatility. They are delayed-
detector crayons and ABC-M8-VGH detector paper; for
action, persistent, toxic chemical agents that burn and
vapor, use the blue-band detector tube/blue-marked
blister the skin or injure internal parts of the body.
bottle. Mustard agent has an odor like that of garlic or
2-4.2.2 HD is obtained by distilling H which has sulfur
impurities. HT is a mixture of HD and a sulfur and
2-4.7 Decontamination.
chlorine compound. All these agents have similar
Solutions are listed in order of preference for effective
decontamination within the shortest time.
2-4.3 Use.
2-4.7.1 HTH-HTB Slurry or Solution (Calcium
They are delayed-action casualty agents used in artillery
Hypochlorite; High-Test Bleach).
shells, mortar shells, and rockets.
a. Prepare a slurry of 50 pounds HTH-HTB with 6
2-4.4 Characteristics.
gallons of water. Leave this slurry on the contaminated
a. The boiling point is above 440 .
surface for 5-minute period. Then wash it off with water
b. The freezing point of HD is 58 . HT freezing
and retest for any remaining contamination. Too stiff a
point is below 10 .
slurry will cause a fire when in contact with blister
c. Vapor density (compared with air) is 5.4.
d. Liquid density (compared with water) is 1.27.
b. Prepare a 10 percent concentration by mixing
e. Duration of effectiveness: liquid remains 1 to 2
10 pounds of HTH-HTB with 12 gallons of water. Apply
days under temperate weather conditions and a week or
to contaminated surface and, after a 5-minute wait,
more under cold conditions.
wash off with water and test for any remaining
2-4.5 Safety Precautions.
2-4.5.1 Portal of Entry Into Body.
c. Wear protective mask and gloves when
a. By inhalation of the vapors.
handling HTH-HTB because this slurry or solution gives
off toxic vapors and will burn the skin.
b. By liquid contact with the body or through any
body opening.
d. HTH-HTB solution is corrosive to most metals
and will destroy fabrics.
2-4.5.2 Protection Required. A protective mask and
permeable protective clothing for protection against
vapor. Wear impermeable clothing and a protective
mask when exposed to any liquid agent.
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