![]() TM 9-1270-212-14&P
position the plunger so that the threaded portion extends
conforming to
e. Apply
l/20-inch beyond the surface of the aft support.
MIL-S-22473, grade T (primer) and grade H, to
quick-release plunger (10) and position the plunger so that
f. Apply the same fluids as in e above to locking screw
the threaded portion extends 1/20-inch beyond the Surface
(11) and tighten the screw. Socket-drive setscrew (13) and
of the aft support.
its locking screw are not secured with sealing compound.
f. Apply the same fluids as in e above to the locking
5-18. Gunner Front Support Disassembly and Assembly
screw (9) and tighten the screw. Socket-drive setscrew (11)
and its locking screw are not secured with sealing
a. Remove items (1) through (14) and assemble in
5-15. Pilot Front Support Disassembly and Assembly (fig.
reverse disassembly sequence.
b. Perform final adjustment of bracket (5) during test
a. Remove items (1) through (14) and assemble in
reverse disassembly sequence.
compound conforming to MIL-S-22473, grade T (primer)
and grade H, is applied to machine bolt (1).
b. Perform final adjustment of angle bracket (7) during
c. Apply
conforming to
test (paragraph 4-14, table 4-2, step 12). At that time,
MIL-S-22473, grade T (primer) and grade H, to
sealing compound conforming to MIL-S-22473, grade T
quick-release plunger (11) and position the plunger so that
(primer) and grade H, is applied to machine bolt (5).
the threaded portion extends 1/20-inch beyond the surface
c. Apply MIL-S-22473, grade T (primer) and grade H,
of the front support.
sealing compound to quick-release plunger (12) and
d. Apply the same fluids as in c above to locking screw
position the plunger so that. the threaded portion extends
(8) and tighten the screw. Socket-drive setscrew (12) and its
l/20-inch beyond the surface of the front support.
locking screw (8) are not secured with sealing compound.
d. Apply the same fluids as in c above to locking screw
(8) and tighten the screw. Socket-drive setscrew (13) and its
locking screw (8) are not secured with sealing compound.
a. Remove the two self-locking nuts, four concave
washers, four convex washers, loop clamp (gunner linkage
5-16. Arm Assembly Repair (figs. B-6 and B-9).
only), and two key washers from the two mounting
Repair or replace screwlock assembly (1).
b. Secure the front and aft mounting brackets to the
helicopter airframe, using the four screws that were
retained in 5-13f.
a. Remove items (2) through (13).
c. Place the concave washer (flat side up) and convex
washer (flat side down) on each mounting bracket.
b. Remove two spring pins (14) by placing aft support
(15) on a block and driving the spring pins out with a 5/32
d. Place the linkage assembly on the mounting brackets.
drift pin.
c. Remove rails (16) and arm assembly (17).
d. Assemble in reverse disassembly sequence. Place rails
The front end of the linkage assembly must be
(16) in aft support (15) so that the grooves in the rails line
supported while the mounting hardware for the
up with the spring-pin holes. Drive in new pins (14) so that
aft end is installed.
the dots on the spring pins are opposite the grooves in the
e. Place the key washer on the aft mounting bracket. .
e. Apply MIL-S-22473, grade T (primer) and grade H,
Mesh and align the washer with the mating surface of the
sealing compound to quick-release plunger (12) and
aft support.
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