![]() TM 9-1270-212-14&P
c. Loosen the visor lock knob; rotate the visor 90
degrees and remove the visor and the two nylon gaskets
a. Hold the threaded pins with a hex key wrench; with a
from the helmet sight assembly.
visegrip or an equivalent wrench, remove the six pin collars
and washers that secure the back straps and sides of the
d. Position the visor lock at the top position and secure
helmet sight assembly to the SPH-4 helmet.
the lock.
e. Retain the visor and nylon gaskets for reinstallation.
b. Depress the back strap area and back out the two
threaded pins on the back straps with a hex key wrench.
Tag the helmet sight assembly with the size of the
Back out the remaining four threaded pins.
SPH-4 helmet from which it was removed.
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