![]() TM 9-1270-212-14&P
Section I. GENERAL
b. Replacement of Parts.
5-1. Scope.
(1) During assembly of components, replace all small
This chapter provides instructions for repair that IS
parts, such as springs, pins, screws, bolts, and nuts, that
authorized at direct and general support levels. The
show signs of wear or damage and which might fail before
instruct ions are for removal. disassembly, cleaning.
the next scheduled maintenance.
in-process inspection, repair or replacement. assembly, and
installation. No Iubrication instructions are required. After
(2) if a required new part is not available,
maintenance and repair. perform final inspection as
reconditioning of the old part is necessary. Such parts
instructed in Chapter 6.
should be examined carefully after reconditioning to
determine that they will function properly.
5-2. Repair Illustrations.
(3) Replace metal components that cannot be made
The components in the illustrations in Appendix B (figs.
serviceable by cleaning, fitting, or refinishing.
B.1 through B-14) to this manual are numbered in the
sequence of disassembly. When assembling, the reverse
(4) Replace damaged wiring and connectors. Correct
order of disassembly will he followed unless otherwise
faulty soldered connections.
instructed. Supplementary illustrations are included in this
chapter to aid in the performance of repair procedures. The
(5) Replace optical elements which are damaged
illustrations should not be construed as authority to
beyond shop repair as prescribed in TM 9-254.
disassemble the materiel beyond the point required to
perform operations authorized in the Maintenance
5-4. Cleaning.
AIIocation Chart (MAC) m Appendix C or to replace parts
other than those authorized in the applicable columns in
a. Cleaning Mechanical Components. Wipe metal
components of the sight with a cloth moistened with
alcohol or other solvent conforming to MIL-A-6091; then
dry with a clean, dry cloth. Clean optical components in
accordance with TM 9-254.
TM 9-254 presents general maintenance procedures that
are often encountered m preparing fire control materiel.
b. Cleaning Electrical Components. Clean all electrical
parts in accordance with TM 9-254.
a. Use of Tools.
5-5. In-process Inspections.
(1) Care must be exercised to use tools that are
suitable for the task. to avoid mutilation of parts and/or
a Inspect ail metal components for dirt, grease or oil,
damage to tools.
metal filings, solder waste, or other foreign matter. Check
all mating parts for fit and/or damage which would cause
(2) Keep tools clean and work with clean parts. The
faulty operation.
rules of good housekeeping must be observed.
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