![]() TM 9-1270-212-14&P
e. The second man leans into the gunner compartment,
looks into the TSU, and observes how close to the distant
target the TSU crosshairs fall.
f. The second man gives instructions to the third man to
In the procedures below, where the nomencla-
loosen the locknuts and adjust R2 GUNNER AZ and R4
ture of a control, control position, or indicator
GUNNER EL on the EIA to bring the TSU crosshairs over
differs between the AH-1S(Mod) and AH-1S
the distant target.
helicopters, the base nomenclature
used is that for the AH-1S(Mod) helicopter and
the nomenclature for the AH-1S
g. The third man tightens the locknuts.
helicopter follows, in parentheses and prefixed
with an "or;" for example, "HSS RETICLE
h. The first man releases the ACQ TRK STOW switch to
TRK, disconnects and stows the gunner linkage assembly,
BRT)" in c below.
disconnects the helmet sight assembly cable, removes the
helmet, and remains in the gunner seat.
a. Except for connecting the hydraulic power to the
i. The second man enters the pilot compartment and
helicopter, perform the preliminary switch settings in
puts on and adjusts the helmet as detailed in steps b and c.
j. The second man views a distant target in front of the
helicopter through the helmet sight eyepiece.
b. The first man enters the gunner compartment,
connects the gunner helmet sight assembly cable, puts on
k. The first man presses and holds the PHS ACQ button
the helmet, fastens the chin strap, and connects the linkage
assembly fastener to the helmet sight assembly receptacle
the distant target the TSU crosshairs fall.
l. The first man gives instructions to the third man to
c. The first man turns the HSS RETICLE OFF BRT
loosen the locknuts and adjust R1 PILOT AZ and R3
(HSS RTCL OFF BRT or HSS OFF BRT) control on the
PILOT EL potentiometers on the EIA to bring the TSU
gunner armament control panel fully clockwise, rotates
crosshairs over the distant target.
the eyepiece into the field of view, and adjusts the eye-
piece laterally and vertically until the reticle, including
m. The third man tightens the locknuts.
the outer ring, can be seen centered m the eyepiece.
n. The first man releases the PHS ACQ pushbutton.
d. The first man sets the MODE SELECT switch on the
o. Set the ACQ TRK STOW switch to STOW, the
TOW control panel to TSU/GUN (or TSU GUN), holds
MODE SELECT switch to OFF, the MASTER ARM switch
the ACQ TRK STOW switch to ACQ, and views a distant
to OFF, the INV (or ALTNR) switch to OFF, and the BAT
target, minimum distance of 1000 meters, in front of the
(or BATTERY) switch to OFF.
3-19. General.
3-20. Maintenance Procedure.
Inspect the extension cable for any loose, missing, or
Organizational level maintenance of the extension cable
damaged hardware. If discrepancies are found, notify higher
is limited to inspecting and servicing the item.
maintenance personnel. Periodically wipe any dirt or other
foreign material from the extension-cable jacket with a soft
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