![]() TM 9-1270-212-14&P
a. Unpacking. Unpack the HSS assemblies carefully and
3-3. General.
check for identification tags, serial number, and any
information that may be contained on paper tags which
a. When new, used, or reconditioned materiel is first
may be attached to the packing boxes.
received by the using organization, it is the responsibility of
the officer in charge to determine whether the materiel has
been properly prepared for service by the supplying
b. Inspection and Cleaning.
organization to be sure it is in condition to perform the
(1) Upon receipt of the HSS assemblies, make a
visual inspection for obvious physical damage, such as
b. Make a record of any missing parts, tools, and
cracked, damaged, loose, bent or broken parts; dented
equipment and of any malfunctions. Correct any
surfaces; nicks, burns, scratches, or chips; loose, missing, or
deficiencies as quickly as possible.
binding knobs; corrosion; fungus growth; moisture; and
missing parts.
3-4. Duties.
(2) Clean the pilot and gunner linkage rails with a
The organizational mechanic performs the inspection to
soft cloth and alcohol or other solvent that will not leave a
determine whether the materiel has been prepared for
service and is in condition to perform its assigned mission.
It is the duty of the operator to assist the organizational
(3) Check that mechanical components operate
mechanic in the performance of these services.
smoothly without binding or rough motion.
3-5. Services.
(4) Inspect the assemblies for missing components,
screws, nuts, washers, and pins; loose rivets; and parts
Upon receipt of the HSS by a using organization, the
insecurely fastened.
following operations will be performed.
Lubrication maintenance is not required for any part of
the HSS. Where lubrication is required (joint bail bearings),
it has been sealed in. Do not lubricate linkage parts.
3-8. Linkage Rails.
3-7. General.
It is imperative that the linkage rails be kept free from
Visual checks should be made of the equipment each
foreign material (such as paint-spray residue, sprayed
day of expected service, and appropriate action should be
insecticides, window cleaners, oils, or tape residue) and
taken as required. Special attention should be given suspect
surface damage (such as nicks or corrosion) that might
areas after periods of inactivity or when other maintenance
impair free movement of the carriage over the rails. Keep
has been performed in or near the cockpit (or storage) area
the rails clean by wiping them with a lint-free cloth soaked
housing the HSS. Paragraph 2-4 gives the preliminary switch
with alcohol or an equivalent solvent conforming to
settings. Tables 3-2 and 3-3 provide checklists of
MIL-A-6091. Small nicks and light damage can often be
mechanical and electrical maintenance inspection points to
satisfactorily removed by rubbing with a crocus cloth
be inspected each day of operation. No special maintenance
meeting Federal Specification P-C-458c. Wipe the rails clean
inspection is required during periods of storage or
before running the carriage along them.
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