![]() TM 9-1270-212-14&P
2-10. Helmet Boresighting Using the Helmet Boresight
Perform the procedures given in paragraph 2-9, except
connect the helmet boresight cable between connector
A1P1 of the helmet sight assembly and the mating con-
This procedure allows boresighting of the helmet sight
nector (17P2 or 17P1).
assembly by personnel seated outside the helicopter. The
helmet wearer can sit on a chair or other convenient item.
2-11. GeneraI.
This section covers normal operation of the HSS for
firing the gun turret.
When firing a 40-mm, 20-mm, or 7.62-mm
weapon, keep the sight on the target and the
ACTION switch closed after trigger release
until the gun stops firing.
In the procedures below, where the nomen-
When firing the turret weapon with the helmet sight,
clature of a control, control position, or indi-
hold the sight steady on the target, press the TRIGGER
cator differs between the AH-1S(Mod) and
ACTION (or ACTION) switch and then the TRIGGER
helicopters, the basic nomen-
TURRET FIRE (or GUN FIRE) switch on the cyclic
clature used is that for the AH-1S(Mod) heli-
stick grip (fig. 2-4). Holding the helmet sight reticle on
copter and the nomenclature for the AH-lS
the target causes the turret to continue to point at the
helicopters follows, in parentheses
target until one of the turret limits is reached (110 de-
and prefixed with an "or;" for example, "PLT
grees in azimuth +18 degrees, -60 degrees in elevation).
(or PILOT)" in d below.
At that point, the gun will cease to fire and the reticle
will begin to flash, indicating an out-of-coincidence condi-
a. Set the helicopter controls as stated in paragraph 24.
Then set the MASTER ARM switch on the pilot armament
control panel (fig. 2-1) to STBY.
g. Set the MASTER ARM switch on the pilot armament
control panel to STBY or to the off position.
b. Connect the helmet sight cable connector to the
h. After landing, set the WPNS FIRE and TURRET
connector shown in figure 2-12.
PWR circuit breakers on the dc circuit breaker panel (or
the WPN FIRE and WPN CONT (or WPN CONTR) circuit
c. Attach the linkage assembly steel fastener to the
breakers on the ac and armament circuit breaker panel)
helmet sight receptacle as shown in figure 2-13, close the
to the off position.
latch, and adjust the reticle lighting to the desired intensity.
a. Direct the pilot to set the WPN CONT (or WPN
CONTR) selector switch on the pilot armament control
panel (fig. 2-1) to GUNNER and to set the MASTER ARM
Do not engage a cyclic stick armament switch
switch to STBY.
during any switching action on the armament
b. Connect the helmet sight cable connector to the
control panels.
gunner's connector (right side of seat).
d Set the WPN CONT (WPN CONTR) switch on the
c. Attach the linkage assembly to t h e h e l m e t s i g h t
pilot armamcnt control panel (fig. 2-1) to PLT (or PILOT).
receptacle as shown in figure 2-13, close the latch, and
adjust the reticle lighting to the desired intensity.
e . Set the MASTER ARM switch to ARM.
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