![]() TM 9-1270-212-14&P
resolver body. When the worm-gear locking screw is
released, the worm gear can be rotated to cause the resolver
body to turn within the linkage to obtain adjustment of the
resolver elevation output. The worm wheel provides for a
minimum of 20 degrees of body travel. In each linkage,
the shaft of B1 is factory-set to take into account the
depression angle at which the linkage is mounted in the
AH-1S(Mod) helicopter, so adjustment of this resolver
at installation will normally be minimal in this helicopter
. In
and fairly great in the AH-1S helicopter
the AH-1S(Mod) helicopter, the pilot linkage is depressed
4 degrees and the gunner linkage is depressed 8 degrees; in
the AH-1S helicopter, the pilot linkage is at 0 degrees and
the gunner linkage is depressed 11-1/2 degrees. Final
adjustment of these B1 resolvers is made during bore-
(9) The elevation and azimuth fine-adjustment
potentiometers on the EIA allow exact coincidence to be
obtained between the helmet line of sight and the turret
line of sight. Refer to foldout FO-4 or FO-5, sheet 1, and
observe that these potentiometers (Rl, R2, R3, and R4) are
connected to 0.5-volt reference signals, with the pin-3
Figure 1-9. Typical HSS operating signals
clockwise end to the in-phase signal and the pin-1
counterclockwise end to the out-of-phase signal. A voltage
(7) The phase of the B4-R2 output signal at J3-42
null occurs at the center of each potentiometer. The R3
remains constant, although the amplitude may vary from a
outputs of resolvers B3 and B4 at J3-43 and J3-46 are
null at 90 degrees left to maximum amplitude straight
connected to the non-inverting pins of amplifiers AR1,
ahead and to a null at 90 degrees right. If the 90-degree
AR2, and AR5, AR6 (see foldout FO-1), and thus no phase
positions are exceeded, the phase on either side is inverted.
shift occurs through these amplifiers. The signals at TP6,
TP7, and TP15, TP13 on A13 are in phase. The
potentiometer wipers, however, are connected to the
inverting inputs of these amplifiers (see foldout FO-10),
A mechanical alignment of the rails in azimuth,
and thus the fine-adjust potentiometer outputs are inverted
roll, and pitch must be made at installation and
through amplifiers AR1 and AR5.
at major overhaul. The alignments of the rails in
azimuth and roll are accomplished by means of
the adjustable rail supports. This alignment of
the rails in the helicopter also aligns azimuth
a. General. When the HSS BIT switch on the gunner
resolvers B2 and B3 to the armament
armament control panel in the helicopter is momentarily
coordinate reference axes. Alignment in pitch
actuated, the HSS automatically initiates an EIA and
of elevation resolvers B1 and B4 to the
linkage self-test. If both linkages have been placed in their
armament coordinate reference axes is
BIT brackets, the special BIT circuitry insures correct
accomplished by adjustment of the B1 resolver
subsystem operation, or it isolates between an EIA failure,
by means of the fine-adjustment worm gear and
including a defective buffer amplifier, and a linkage failure.
worm wheel during system boresighting.
The status of the system at the end of the test is indicated
by means of four indicators on the gunner armament
(8) Resolvers B2, B3, and B4 in the linkages are
prezeroed at the factory and are not adjustable. Both the
control panel. The indicators are marked Go INTFC (in
bodies and the shafts of these resolvers are securely
the AH-lS(Mod) helicopter) or EIA (in the AH-1S heli-
mount ed in the linkage arms. Pitch resolver B1 may require
), PLT and GNR. After the BIT is
field adjustment during system boresighting. The shaft of
initiated, it the EIA and linkages operate normally, the
green GO indicator lights within 0.3 second and remains
this resolver is factory adjusted and securely fastened;
on for 5 to 10 seconds. When the indicator lights, the sys-
however, the body is fitted with a fine-adjustment worm
tem returns to normal operation. A failure is indicated if
gear and worm wheel. The worm wheel is attached to the
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